Wow wow guys! Thanks for all the responses! You guys brought stuff to my attention I didn't think about.
This is just me trying to think ahead and understand my options. My first priority is graduating with my BA, upgrading my portfolio and then looking for a new job. Only while I'm at that end phase I'll be considering a second degree. Now I'm considering a Masters instead of another BA. The priority would definitely be more leaning towards a 'leadership' degree. I've got a lot to look into now!
Again thanks for all the advice. I'm just excited for the future and excited to learn! This website really changed my life on another level, gave me hope and so much happiness. Love the community here.
This is just me trying to think ahead and understand my options. My first priority is graduating with my BA, upgrading my portfolio and then looking for a new job. Only while I'm at that end phase I'll be considering a second degree. Now I'm considering a Masters instead of another BA. The priority would definitely be more leaning towards a 'leadership' degree. I've got a lot to look into now!
Again thanks for all the advice. I'm just excited for the future and excited to learn! This website really changed my life on another level, gave me hope and so much happiness. Love the community here.