12-21-2011, 07:50 PM
You may want to have him call the Registrar's office to see how they will treat the graduation requirements. I am enrolled in and pursuing an ASBA, BSBA-Operations Mgmt, and BSBA-HR/Org. Mgmt. I wanted to add that same AAS Environmental, Safety & Security Tech. Advising said to apply for graduation for the ASBA, then go ahead and earn the AAS while finishing the two BSBAs. To be sure, though, I double-checked with the Registrar since they are the ones who evaluate graduation requirements, and was told I could not pursue a different avenue of degree - in my case, the AAS Env, Safety, Security - until my primary focus - BSBAs - was complete. Once I graduate with the business degrees, they said it was fine to come back and earn the additional 12 credits to complete the AAS, but those 12 credits could not be earned until after the others were conferred.
If that same rule applies, I imagine he'll be the opposite. They're fine with him earning the AAS and BA in Social Sciences concurrently, but the Registrar will expect to see the additional 12 credits for the ASBA to have earn dates after the conferral of the AAS and BA Soc. Sci. to process the ASBA graduation.
The moral of that long story was to say, they've recently (in the past six months or so?) adjusted their handling of multiple degrees. You can still earn two Associates and two Bachelors, but they've put in additional requirements on the order and timing. It's best to call and be certain, before a graduation request is declined.
You may want to have him call the Registrar's office to see how they will treat the graduation requirements. I am enrolled in and pursuing an ASBA, BSBA-Operations Mgmt, and BSBA-HR/Org. Mgmt. I wanted to add that same AAS Environmental, Safety & Security Tech. Advising said to apply for graduation for the ASBA, then go ahead and earn the AAS while finishing the two BSBAs. To be sure, though, I double-checked with the Registrar since they are the ones who evaluate graduation requirements, and was told I could not pursue a different avenue of degree - in my case, the AAS Env, Safety, Security - until my primary focus - BSBAs - was complete. Once I graduate with the business degrees, they said it was fine to come back and earn the additional 12 credits to complete the AAS, but those 12 credits could not be earned until after the others were conferred.
If that same rule applies, I imagine he'll be the opposite. They're fine with him earning the AAS and BA in Social Sciences concurrently, but the Registrar will expect to see the additional 12 credits for the ASBA to have earn dates after the conferral of the AAS and BA Soc. Sci. to process the ASBA graduation.
The moral of that long story was to say, they've recently (in the past six months or so?) adjusted their handling of multiple degrees. You can still earn two Associates and two Bachelors, but they've put in additional requirements on the order and timing. It's best to call and be certain, before a graduation request is declined.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award
AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award
AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012