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bat21 Wrote:Is this Mr.Hand?

no - Dr. Palmer...
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
My colleauges and I frequently complain about the expectations of students who work full-time in a demanding job and were already oversubscribed to work, family and other activities prior to registering for a graduate butts-in-seats (B&M) class. They often underestimate the amount and quality of work required at the graduate level and/or expect faculty to deal with any constraints from their personal lives, unreasonable or not. The students' mistaken expectations are usually reflected in end-of-course evaluations.

This is especially true for "leveling " courses that are taken by students lacking prerequisite courses for graduate business programs. The students taking these courses are typically new to graduate-level work.

I would not be surprised if a study found that overburdened students self-select into online courses with the mistaken expectation that there is less work involved.

This professor's rant leaves no doubt about what is expected in the course.
From my perpective, he is, albeit inartfully, making clear exactly what is expected so that students with different expectations can drop the course while they can get their money back.
cannoda Wrote:My colleauges and I frequently complain about the expectations of students who work full-time in a demanding job and were already oversubscribed to work, family and other activities prior to registering for a graduate butts-in-seats (B&M) class. They often underestimate the amount and quality of work required at the graduate level and/or expect faculty to deal with any constraints from their personal lives, unreasonable or not. The students' mistaken expectations are usually reflected in end-of-course evaluations.

This is especially true for "leveling " courses that are taken by students lacking prerequisite courses for graduate business programs. The students taking these courses are typically new to graduate-level work.

I would not be surprised if a study found that overburdened students self-select into online courses with the mistaken expectation that there is less work involved.

This professor's rant leaves no doubt about what is expected in the course.
From my perpective, he is, albeit inartfully, making clear exactly what is expected so that students with different expectations can drop the course while they can get their money back.

I do disagree with your comment about students self-selecting into online courses because they think that it will be easier. Most students that I have spoken with recognize that online classes are as difficult, if not significantly more difficult than brick and mortar classes. From my personal experience, the classes that I took in college, right out of high school, were far easier than any online class that I have taken. Online classes take more discipline and commitment...

Also, just so you know, this is not a leveling course that I am taking...

I agree with what you are saying and I do not have a problem with the professor making clear the expectations for the course. However, it can be done in a way that does not sound threatening and that does not have a deflating effect on the confidence of students. I have found that there are many college professors that overstate and dramitize the difficulty of their class in order to make themselves seem more important. I did check this guy out on a "rate your professor" site and the most common comment is that he is very egotistical.

I prefer teachers that teach because they love to impart knowledge to others and they love to interact with people. I do not like professors that teach in order to make themselves feel and seem important.

Any time that I am in a position of leadership or power over someone else, I always keep the thought in the back of my mind that the person that I NOW have power over could have power and leadership over me one day...
Excelsior BS - General Business - 2008
Jacksonville State University - MBA - 2010(Done)

121 credits...ALL DONE BABY!!!

54 credits transferred in from prior college
54 credits by examination
6 credits from community college
3 credits from CSU-Pueblo (Operations Management)
4 credits for Information Literacy and Business Strategy from Excelsior

Principles of Macroeconomics (64)
Principles of Microeconomics (61)
Principles of Marketing (66)
Principles of Management (72)
Info Systems and Comp Applications (57)
Introductory Business Law (65)
Social Sciences & History (61)
Principles of Supervision (58)
Principles of Statistics (67)
Introduction to Computing (60)
Principles of Financial Accounting (56)
Principles of Finance (55)
Money and Banking (52)
Ethics in America (66)
Management Information Systems (58)
Ethics: Theory and Practice (B)
Organizational Behavior ©

GMAT: 600
I have to agree with bawhitsett on this topic. Professors have to make their expectations clear at the start of the course. Unfortunately, even when expectations are made clear and repeated multiple times in class announcements and e-mail (from my personal experience), there are students who ignore the requirements and stay in the class. This has a negative impact on the rest of the students who have chosen to meet the challenge of the course. I don't have experience with Graduate level online classes. However, my negative experience was with an undergraduate online course when a couple of students were unwilling or unable to meet the challenge of an online course. These students were repeatedly late on assignments, quizzes, midterm, and final which meant that the entire class of 35+ had to wait for the professor to post answers and grades, two weeks for the midterm. It is kind of agonizing to have to repeatedly wait for grades, especially when many of us on this forum are used to the instant gratification of seeing our scores immediately after taking a Clep or Dantes. I had the unfortunate experience of being assigned a group paper with one of the slackers in that online class. When he finally turned in his portion on the morning the assignment was due while the rest of the group finished the weekend before so that we could review it, I ended up taking the day off from work to edit his section because most of it was plagiarized (thank goodness for plagiarism checkers!), there were no references (required for the assignment), and it was full of grammatical and spelling errors! So after my bad experience, I would prefer that students drop out if not prepared so that the rest of the class doesn’t have to suffer. Maybe the Marketing professor had become somewhat cynical and I could understand that if students repeatedly were not prepared for the challenge of the course when upfront, even if somewhat harsh, about it at the beginning.

So bmills072200, try to look at it as the professor doing you a favor by weeding out the students who aren’t up for the challenge. Hang in there, you’re almost there!
I had a similar female teacher this summer. OMG, she was a workout and 1/2 and she ruled the class with an iron fist. She made us take a test on the syllabus which was graded. Wow I am so glad I made it thru her. I actually feel like I can do almost anything now.Smile I would post it be she knows my address! LOL
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion."~ Henry David

BA Humanities - TESC
AAS Construction and Facilities Support - TESC
AA Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Interior Design - MCC
Certificate Management - MCC
bmills072200 Wrote:I prefer teachers that teach because they love to impart knowledge to others and they love to interact with people. I do not like professors that teach in order to make themselves feel and seem important.

Well, I think few would disagree with that! You know, whether it's someone like John Wooden starting his first session with new players by teaching them how to tie their shoes to prove a point--or the Army breaking people down in boot camp--or a teacher telling you in no uncertain terms what to expect--it's all pretty common. It CERTAINLY shouldn't shake your confidence or be perceived as a threat. I've heard plenty of stories about professors starting a class with "x% of you will fail the first exam and many of you will fail this course." I would regard that as deflating in that he is predicting failure. The text you posted is simply a "don't say I didn't warn you" rant--most likely inspired by countless "I have a job and a family you know!" emails by students turning in late and lousy assignments.

My advice? Don't let the little things get you down. If his post is accurate and he's a FAIR teacher--everything should be fine. Who cares if he's got a big ego or is a little heavy-handed? Focus on the substance and forget the fluff. Don't give it another moment's thought.

BTW, congrats on getting throught Ops Mgmnt. Be sure to post your results and some good feedback. Good luck!
My Excelsior Journey
Bachelor of Science in General Business, cum laude
Excelsior College
Some of what he says is actually true, regarding the time and effort that the course may require, however I think he is really trying get someone scared.
I would not worry about it though, just stay focused and work hard.
Okay, granted, this is not MY professor saying this or I might feel differently. It's amazing how Totally Objective we can be about someone ELSE'S trials. hilarious

But when I read it, I sort of got the impression that he was just an upfront guy who actually had a little bit of a sense of humor. You know, stuff like, "You can expect this class to dominate the next 14 weeks of your life".....I could totally see myself saying that to someone truthfully, yet with a twinkle in my eye.

I'll be curious to know what he actually turns out to be like as he guides the class. He may not be that bad.

Everyone seems to think the prof is a good guy!

I think the note he sent points toward "Pompous, egotistical, jerk."

I'm not sure I spelled pompous right. I will show my disdain for him by not using spell check.

Excelsior BSB Aug 21, 2009
Epiphany Wrote:Bmills,

I'm not sure I spelled pompous right. I will show my disdain for him by not using spell check.

hilarious Such a rebel. I love it!

BS (UMUC) in 2010, 30+ years in the making!!

Intro to Computing 63
Astronomy 63
Technical Writing 62
Principles of Mgt 71
Principles of Marketing 68
Substance Abuse 467
College Math 56
Principles of Finance 425
Principles of Statistics 458

Exams: ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!

GRADUATION--UMUC--MAY 15, 2010 (unbelievable)

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