03-13-2023, 04:50 PM
YourPace is not on the same schedule as on campus students. The Financial Aid Office may not be able to give you a date without receiving your info so they can look at your account. They may have to calculate the date for you. You need to remain in good academic and financial standing to ever receive financial aid again. You could also lose federal tax refunds for the grants that may be need to be repaid. I would really try to complete 4 classes during the Spring Semester so this isn't a problem for you. You were in Spring 1 Session, correct? You only need 4 classes total for Spring 1 & 2 to be in the clear with financial aid. It's unwise to say you'll never need financial aid again in the future. No one can possibly know this. I myself never imagined I'd return to college 20 years later. My husband returned after 30 years to get his bachelor's degree. So it does happen. Seems to happen to a lot of those over 30 on here.