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UMPI Class Review Master Thread
Hi all

Great information in this thread. I'm doing the BLS Accounting minor starting spring 1 and most of the classes I have left are required but I can pick from one of the following: BUS 352 (Business Law II), ACC 376 (Independent Auditing), ACC 377 (Federal Taxation I), ACC 378 (Federal Taxation II), ACC 464 (Advanced Accounting). Does anyone have reviews of these classes? After reading through the thread the only review I found was BUS 352 (Business Law II) which was reviewed as short length class. I will probably just go with that unless people have reviews for some of the other classes? Thanks!
(10-28-2024, 10:13 PM)AverageAlien Wrote: Hi all

Great information in this thread. I'm doing the BLS Accounting minor starting spring 1 and most of the classes I have left are required but I can pick from one of the following: BUS 352 (Business Law II), ACC 376 (Independent Auditing), ACC 377 (Federal Taxation I), ACC 378 (Federal Taxation II), ACC 464 (Advanced Accounting). Does anyone have reviews of these classes? After reading through the thread the only review I found was BUS 352 (Business Law II) which was reviewed as short length class. I will probably just go with that unless people have reviews for some of the other classes? Thanks!

You'll find info on these courses on the UMPI Discord if you can't find it on here.
Hey everyone,
Started with two of the ten classes at UMPI, BUS 240 & BUS 220. If I finish these two by the 20th of this month (NOV). Do you think I could take BUS 200 or MAT 140 and finish one of these two classes before the end of the Term. There is so many many papers I feel like I am back in composition 1&2 again. I also wanted to know if I am half way through a class but don't finish will I have to start it all over again and rewrite new milestones. I am not sure If I am even posting this right.
(11-10-2024, 01:02 PM)Holy_Cannoli Wrote: Hey everyone,
Started with two of the ten classes at UMPI, BUS 240 & BUS 220. If I finish these two by the 20th of this month (NOV). Do you think I could take BUS 200 or MAT 140 and finish one of these two classes before the end of the Term. There is so many many papers I feel like I am back in composition 1&2 again. I also wanted to know if I am half way through a class but don't finish will I have to start it all over again and rewrite new milestones. I am not sure If I am even posting this right.

I can't say how long it will take you to complete a course. Are you asking if you don't complete a course during the term what happens? It depends on the professor. Some will let you resubmit the same Milestones and others will require you to write new ones. You will have to start the class over and most importantly you will have an F on your transcript that never goes away. When you repeat the course, the higher grade will factor into your GPA. That F can really harm your GPA and if you're on financial aid you need to be careful so you don't lose it.
Thank you for the response. That is what I was afraid of, having to start all over again. The only way to pass a class I see is with a 3 no more Cs allowed.
(11-10-2024, 03:16 PM)Holy_Cannoli Wrote: Thank you for the response. That is what I was afraid of, having to start all over again. The only way to pass a class I see is with a 3 no more Cs allowed.

Yes you will need at least a B to pass a YourPace class. That has always been UMPI's policy.
Name: EDU 305: Designing and Managing Effective Learning Environments

Subject: Education
Semester/Term: Fall 2 - 2024
Instructor: Courtney Boma
Long or Short?: Long (I spent 33.5 hours on it, but I tend to be slow in all my classes. Others could probably speed this up!)
Number of Milestone Activities: 6
Type of Milestone Activities: Essays, Mock Letters, Classroom Layout, etc. Note: There are 4 hours of observation required - video option available.
Type of Final Assessment: Portfolio - Essays, Mock Letters, Classroom Layout, etc. Some of the milestone activities can be incorporated into the final portfolio submission.
Notes & Overall Thoughts: This class had very vague descriptions for milestone activities. When in doubt, always reference the coursework somehow and use APA 7.
Current Goal:
UMPI: B.L.S. with minor in Educational Studies

I'm 75% through my degree!

Earned:  91 credits total
RA: 3 credits
Sophia: 76 credits 6 credits
UMPI: 6 credits
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Name: POS 370: Topics in Non-Western History: Arab-Israeli Conflict
Subject: Political Science / History
Semester/Term: Fall 2 - 2024
Instructor: Dr. Chris Hinson
Long or Short?: Medium for me - 16.5 hours
Number of Milestone Activities: 2
Type of Milestone Activities: 500-word essays
Type of Final Assessment: 1500-word essay
Notes & Overall Thoughts: Hinson was a super fast grader - within 8-9 hours, even overnight. I followed the advice I got elsewhere that Hinson doesn’t like direct quotes, and made sure to paraphrase my source info; I didn’t have any issues with grading.
Current Goal:
UMPI: B.L.S. with minor in Educational Studies

I'm 75% through my degree!

Earned:  91 credits total
RA: 3 credits
Sophia: 76 credits 6 credits
UMPI: 6 credits
[-] The following 5 users Like RachelB's post:
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Spring 2024
HUM 184
Name: HUM 184 - Disciplinary Relationship
Subject: GED - Humanity - Social Science
Semester/Term: Spring 2024
Instructor: Kimberly Sebold
Long or Short?: Long (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: it might be 5 (but I forgot the exact ones)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 5
Type of Milestone Activities: 500-word essay about something in the class reading sources
Type of Final Assessment: A PowerPoint with at least 16 slides and 1600 words of MS Word integrates the milestones following the professor's reviews
Notes & Overall Thoughts: for me it is a long class because of the so long reading and video watching, but I rather enjoy it because I like social science. The professor is an easy grader and kind too. (Description:
Analyze relationships between disciplines such as history, human geography, religion, folklore, art, and global studies using the example of zombies in American Popular Culture.)

Summer 2024
ART 108 (alternative to ENG 211 Creative Writing, which is my weakness)
Name: ART 108 - Introduction to Graphic Design
Subject: GED - Basic Graphic Design
Semester/Term: Summer 2024
Instructor: Samantha  Jones
Long or Short?: Long (for me, because I am not creative at all)
Number of Outcomes: it might be 4 (but I rather forgot the exact ones)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 4
Type of Milestone Activities: design something on Canva or Photoshop with an explanation on MS Word
Type of Final Assessment: a real working website that consists of the milestones after making it better according to the professor's comments
Notes & Overall Thoughts: it is a hard class for me because I have never designed graphics or websites before so I use a tutor to help. (Description:
tudents in this course will design graphic design artifacts, which may include, but not be limited to, brand development, brochures, stationery, and /or poster design. Instruction in both traditional and digital techniques.)

POS 101
Name: POS 101 - American Government
Subject: GED - Political Science
Semester/Term: Summer 2024
Instructor: Stephen Borelli
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: 3
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 3
Type of Milestone Activities: 1-2 pages or 500-word essay about the government based on the class reading sources
Type of Final Assessment: 1500-word essay about the government and some political actions
Notes & Overall Thoughts: A lot of reading; I use a summarizer to make the reading easier. Relatively easy class if you like social science; will get good grades if a little above average effort. Nice and kind professor. (Description:
Examines the constitutional foundations and principles of American government. Treatment focuses on federalism; civil liberties and civil rights; interest groups, political parties and elections; and Congress, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court.)

BUS 321
Name: BUS 321 - Human Resource Management
Subject: Business
Semester/Term: Summer 2024
Instructor: Tracy Rockwell
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: perhaps 4 (I forget the exact ones)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: it might be 4 milestones and 9 discussions (but I rather forget the exact ones)
Type of Milestone Activities: short essay about human resources based on the class reading sources
Type of Final Assessment: long essay about some human resource scenario cases based on the sources
Notes & Overall Thoughts: relatively easy class with many readings and videos. The professor is an easy grader and kind. (Description:
How organizations manage people as a key resource. Topics covered are job analysis, planning, recruiting and selection, discriminations laws, training, compensation, and collective bargaining.)

BUS 325
Name: BUS 325 - Financial Management
Subject: Accounting for Business
Semester/Term: Summer 2024
Instructor: Leo L. Trudel
Long or Short?: Long (for me, perhaps someone who likes accounting can do it in medium time)
Number of Outcomes: it might be 7 (I forgot the exact ones)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 7
Type of Milestone Activities: calculation and explanation of some accounting stuffs
Type of Final Assessment: same as the milestones but bigger projects (the uses of financial statements, instruments, corporate governance, time value of money, bond and stock valuations, and financial sources and uses are all crucial aspects of financial analysis)
Notes & Overall Thoughts: a challenging class because I struggle with math and accounting. I must use tutors for the milestones and change several tutors for the finals. (Course Description:
3 credits. Prerequisite: BUS 220. This course emphasizes the role of the financial manager in forecasting and planning, coordination and control, dealing with financial markets, and, primarily, major investment and financing decisions. Coverage includes financial statement analysis, the time value of money, valuation of securities, the cost of capital, capital budgeting, capital structure, financial forecasting, and managing and financing current assets.)

3 more classes until graduation May 10, 2025 (BUS 307, BUS 415, BUS 489)

Fall 2024
COM 210
Name: COM 210 - Organizational Communication
Subject: Communication/GED
Semester/Term: Fall 1 2024
Instructor: Professor Jennifer Lynds
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: 5
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 5
Type of Milestone Activities: less than a 500-word essay (2-4 sentences) about some kind of communication (speech, presentation, and the like), a short video of the presentation, and  MS Word describing the type of communication
Type of Final Assessment: MS Word on the communication, less than 10 slides of PowerPoint with the same ideas, 4-5 minutes of video presentation, less than 1 minute of quick presentation
Notes & Overall Thoughts: The class is somewhat medium easy because it involve a video presentation, and the reading is rather long (I suggest you summarize the reading first). Prof. Lynds is a fast grader; milestones are very short and fast, and the final needs more thinking and more work to get an A (in my case), but a little above minimal effort will get a good grade. (Description:
This course explores essential oral communication skills for professional settings. Students will develop proficiencies relevant for leadership, conflict resolution, debate, group interactions, group facilitation, and decision making. Applications will include various forms of message delivery, such as presentations, impromptu speaking activities, and simulations of common professional communication scenarios.)

BUS 335
Name: BUS 335 - Organizational Behavior
Subject: Business
Semester/Term: Fall 1 2024
Instructor: Benjamin Lowe
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: it might be 4 (I do not remember exactly)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 4
Type of Milestone Activities: 500-word or 1-2 page essay about behavior in business about a case based on the reading sources
Type of Final Assessment: 8-10 pages; some kind of manual about the subject should be based on the reading sources
Notes & Overall Thoughts: the professor is a fast reviewer and gives good suggestions. Overall, it is a good and relatively easy class if we put in above-average effort. (Description:
Organizational behavior is a field of study that seeks to understand, explain, and improve human behavior in organizations at the individual, interpersonal, team and organizational levels. Students will gain an awareness and knowledge of contemporary issues and approaches to organizational communication and change facing organizations.)

BUS 353
Name: BUS 353 - Ethics and Legal in Business
Subject: Business
Semester/Term: Fall 2 2024
Instructor: Mark Robinson
Long or Short?: Medium (because the professor took a long time to review milestones)
Number of Outcomes: 3
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 5
Type of Milestone Activities: 500-word essay about ethics based on the sources
Type of Final Assessment: many PowerPoint slides about the subject
Notes & Overall Thoughts: the professor reviews milestones for a long time, so do not do it near the draft and final, but he is really nice and replies to emails kindly. (Description:
An overview of business and society, corporate social responsibility and ethics; focused study of legal topics including the Constitution, contracts, torts and government regulation. Developing analytical skills and professional communication skills are emphasized.)

BUS 440
Name: BUS 440 - Business Analytics
Subject: Business
Semester/Term: Fall 1 2024
Instructor: Noah Winslow
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps others can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: it might be 3 (I forgot the exact one)
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: it might be 3 (I forgot the exact one)
Type of Milestone Activities: 1-2 pages of essay analysis about some companies/institutions
Type of Final Assessment: a maximum 3,000-word paper for a business analyst
about a company/institution
Notes & Overall Thoughts: the milestones need some strategic thinking, but the professor is an easy and relatively fast grader, while the final has so many chapters so it needs a little more above-average thinking. (Description:
This course focuses on the development and delivery of predictive data analysis for strategic decision making in organizations. Students will apply the principles and tools to real-world problems, enabling them to integrate their knowledge of business intelligence in their careers and is essential to their performance and competitive advantage.)

BUS 469
Name: BUS 469 - Strategic Profesional Communication
Subject: Business Communication
Semester/Term: Fall 2 2024
Instructor: Professor Jennifer Lynds
Long or Short?: Medium (perhaps other can do it short)
Number of Outcomes: 4
Adaptive Outcomes?: No
Number of Milestone Activities: 4
Type of Milestone Activities: 2-3 and 3-5 sentences explaining business communication type based on the sources
Type of Final Assessment: MS Word communication about some business problems, short to medium video presentation, and the PowerPoint
Notes & Overall Thoughts: The class is somewhat medium easy because it involve a video presentation, and the reading is rather long (I suggest you summarize the reading first). Prof. Lynds is a fast grader; milestones are very short and fast, and the final needs more thinking and more work to get an A (in my case), but a little above minimal effort will get a good grade. (Description:
Using business knowledge and analytical skills, students develop professional level oral and written communication skills. Experiential learning exercises provide opportunities to develop strategic solutions to situations confronting a hypothetical organization. Prequisites: BUS/COM210.)

3 more classes until graduation May 10, 2025 (BUS 307, BUS 415, BUS 489)
[-] The following 4 users Like ishady's post:
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Is there a review for BUS 245 & BUS 345.  Only 2 from MIS minor I couldn't find here.

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