Hello all! Firstly, I want to thank everyone who posts on this forum because it is the reason I have been able to complete my bachelor's degree in 4 months! The semester is ongoing, but I've managed to finish ahead of the May 3rd closing date. This is my first post here, so I am living proof that just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, meaning: I have been referencing this site for well over a year as my #1 guide for fast-tracking my bachelor's yet remained anonymous the whole way through. MANY people (including those I've referred to here) are using this forum to change their lives without posting, so please keep it going! My contribution will be a comprehensive reference guide for completing your BLS with a Management Minor in the YourPace program at UMPI. Let's get started!
GEC = General Education Curriculum | UMPI has 5 types of GEC's which I have color-coordinated, and within each type there are Levels A, B, C, D & E which I have also marked. This was the most confusing part of creating my plan, so I hope it is clear enough to help others.
UL = UL Elective | Stands for "Upper Level," meaning courses that are not 300/400 ranked instead of 100/200. Think English 301 versus English 101. Also confused me when I planned.
Milestone = A stopgap between lessons where you have to submit an assignment of some kind (Quiz, Essay, etc) ranking your understanding of the coursework. This does not count toward your final grade, but you must receive a 3/4 level grade of understanding for the final assessment to become available to you for submission.
Final Assessment = Your final assignment that determines your overall grade in the class. You will be graded on a 3/4 scale like your Milestones, but based on my research, a number grade is supposed to replace that ranking system on your official transcript after classes are over. Correct me if wrong in the replies, please.
*I will post text in the replies of this thread for those who can not see the following attachments
Degree Transfer Credit Report (Student Center).png (Size: 340.59 KB / Downloads: 119)
BLS with Minor Management Degree Audit 04192024.pdf (Size: 85.8 KB / Downloads: 108)
Outside of BUS 321 & BUS 415, the UL courses I took were all very fast to complete, because 1 I was privileged enough not to have to work to complete my degree & 2 They had 2-3 Milestones of 300-500 word responses each, with the final always being a 1500 word essay.
Dr. Zaborney has the reputation for quickest and most lenient grader, which I concur with. He only graded about 2 of my POS (Political Science) classes - all from one day to the next. The rest of my POS classes were graded by Dr. Hinson, who is also fantastically quick (one day to the next, even on weekends). Hinson, however, is a more erratic grader. He is ANAL about answering Milestone/Final Assessment prompts pointedly. His responses to submissions, whether concise or on the longer side, are super clear though. You do what he asks and you'll pass. I did have to email my academic advisor about a response he gave that I felt was unfair (gave me 2/4 when I was averaging 4/4 in all my classes) - this was just to cover my ass with a paper trail in case his final marks screwed my chance for a degree. As someone who has worked in vastly different spaces (hospitals, private practices, luxury sales, pro wrestling, sports, etc) I highly recommend keeping a paper trail of everything that piques your senses. It always comes back in the end, so make sure to take screenshots and forward all important messages to your personal email account.
I found my time in Your Pace to be less difficult than Sophia, but that's because I'm a writer and can crank out papers like a machine. When studying on Sophia, ctrl + f is your best friend. Always start with the end in mind. Don't diddy daddle reading info you'll learn on the job when you have real life draining most of your energy and time. Read the question, ctrl + f to find the answer directly and keep it pushing. If you have to read to find answers, obviously do that. But otherwise? Cut to the chase. Google is a tool. Perplexity Ai is an incredible study tool for amassing sourced information. Chat GPT is the essay outlining GOAT.
If it helps, I received 4/4 in all of my UMPI courses. On Sophia I have received nothing lower than an 85%. With a 1 month break in February as I waited for classes to start, it took me a total of 3 months to complete my bachelor's degree beginning in December with 21 credits completed.
View attached to go over my degree audit yourselves.
Any questions and I'll be happy to help. Cheers!
University Transfer Credit Breakdown (21 Credits)
Sophia Transfer Credit Breakdown (76 Credits)
1 100-level General Elective
GEC = General Education Curriculum | UMPI has 5 types of GEC's which I have color-coordinated, and within each type there are Levels A, B, C, D & E which I have also marked. This was the most confusing part of creating my plan, so I hope it is clear enough to help others.
UL = UL Elective | Stands for "Upper Level," meaning courses that are not 300/400 ranked instead of 100/200. Think English 301 versus English 101. Also confused me when I planned.
Milestone = A stopgap between lessons where you have to submit an assignment of some kind (Quiz, Essay, etc) ranking your understanding of the coursework. This does not count toward your final grade, but you must receive a 3/4 level grade of understanding for the final assessment to become available to you for submission.
Final Assessment = Your final assignment that determines your overall grade in the class. You will be graded on a 3/4 scale like your Milestones, but based on my research, a number grade is supposed to replace that ranking system on your official transcript after classes are over. Correct me if wrong in the replies, please.
Began With
- 21 Accepted Transfer Credits from university classes dating back to 2014/2015 , 6 Classes transferred altogether (this indicates UMPI will accept credits dating as far back as 10+ years, a common worry)
*I will post text in the replies of this thread for those who can not see the following attachments

Outside of BUS 321 & BUS 415, the UL courses I took were all very fast to complete, because 1 I was privileged enough not to have to work to complete my degree & 2 They had 2-3 Milestones of 300-500 word responses each, with the final always being a 1500 word essay.
Dr. Zaborney has the reputation for quickest and most lenient grader, which I concur with. He only graded about 2 of my POS (Political Science) classes - all from one day to the next. The rest of my POS classes were graded by Dr. Hinson, who is also fantastically quick (one day to the next, even on weekends). Hinson, however, is a more erratic grader. He is ANAL about answering Milestone/Final Assessment prompts pointedly. His responses to submissions, whether concise or on the longer side, are super clear though. You do what he asks and you'll pass. I did have to email my academic advisor about a response he gave that I felt was unfair (gave me 2/4 when I was averaging 4/4 in all my classes) - this was just to cover my ass with a paper trail in case his final marks screwed my chance for a degree. As someone who has worked in vastly different spaces (hospitals, private practices, luxury sales, pro wrestling, sports, etc) I highly recommend keeping a paper trail of everything that piques your senses. It always comes back in the end, so make sure to take screenshots and forward all important messages to your personal email account.
I found my time in Your Pace to be less difficult than Sophia, but that's because I'm a writer and can crank out papers like a machine. When studying on Sophia, ctrl + f is your best friend. Always start with the end in mind. Don't diddy daddle reading info you'll learn on the job when you have real life draining most of your energy and time. Read the question, ctrl + f to find the answer directly and keep it pushing. If you have to read to find answers, obviously do that. But otherwise? Cut to the chase. Google is a tool. Perplexity Ai is an incredible study tool for amassing sourced information. Chat GPT is the essay outlining GOAT.
If it helps, I received 4/4 in all of my UMPI courses. On Sophia I have received nothing lower than an 85%. With a 1 month break in February as I waited for classes to start, it took me a total of 3 months to complete my bachelor's degree beginning in December with 21 credits completed.
View attached to go over my degree audit yourselves.
Any questions and I'll be happy to help. Cheers!
University Transfer Credit Breakdown (21 Credits)
3 100-level General Electives
- Introduction to Music (GEL 1XX)
- Public Speaking (GEL 1XX)
- Introduction to Philosophy (PHY 151)
1 200-level English Elective
- Writing for Humanities & Arts (ENG 2XX)
3 100-level General Education Curriculum / GEC
- Intro to Sociology (SOC 100) - GEC Critical & Creative Thinking B Level + GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness A Level
- Introduction to Literature (ENG 151) - GEC Critical & Creative Thinking E Level
- English Composition I (Eng 101) - GEC Effective Written & Oral Communication A & D Level
Sophia Transfer Credit Breakdown (76 Credits)
1 100-level General Elective
- Visual Communications (GEL 1XX)
- Human Biology Lab (BIO 1XX)
- Ancient Greek Philosophers (PHI 1XX)
- Introduction to Statistics (MAT 101) - GEC Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning A & B Level
- Spanish I (SPA 101) - GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness C Level
- Microbiology (BIO 316) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Project Management (BUS 141) - REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours
- Introduction to Ethics (PHI 152) - GEC Critical & Creative Thinking A & B Level + GEC Information Literacy C Level + GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness D Level
- Human Biology (BIO 103) - [b]GEC[/b] Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning C Level
- Lifespan Development (PSY 205) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Introduction to Nutrition (BIO 104) - [b][b]GEC[/b] Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning C Level[/b]
- U.S. Government (POS 101) - GEC Effective Written & Oral Communication C Level + GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness E Level
- U.S. History I (HTY 161) - GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness B Level
- U.S. History II (HTY 162) - GEC Global Consciousness & Intercultural Awareness B Level
- Environmental Science (ENV 11) - GEC Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning D Level
- English Composition II (ENG 121) - GEC Effective Written & Oral Communication C Level + GEC Critical & Creative Thinking C Level + GEC Information Literacy B Level
- Macroeconomics (ECO 207) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Introduction to Information Technology (COS 103) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Introduction to Web Development (COS 200) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Communication at Work (BUS 210) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Business Law (BUS 350) - REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours
- Business Communication (PCJ 215) - GEC Effective Written & Oral Communication C Level + REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours
- Business Ethics (BUS 353) - REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours + REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Introduction to Business (BUS 101) - NOT SPECIFIED ON DEGREE AUDIT
- Art History I (ART 211) - GEC Critical & Creative Thinking E Level
- Art History II (ART 212) - GEC Critical & Creative Thinking E Level
(04-19-2024, 05:48 PM) pid=\418038' Wrote:UMPI Your Pace Credit Breakdown (30 Credits)
8 REQ Upper Level (UL) Electives2 Outstanding General Electives (there were 2 outstanding electives needed, because I had already filled 6 credits out of the 24 credits needed in-house with BUS 321 & BUS 425)
- Operations Management (BUS 415) - REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours + REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Human Resource Management (BUS 321) - REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours + REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- European Government & European Union (POS 301) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Constitutional Law (POS 332) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Modern Political Thought (POS 335) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Marxism (POS 343) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Topic in Non-Western History (POS 370) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Special Topics in History (HTY 489) - REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- Introduction to Political Thought (POS 211)
Summary of Required UMPI Credit Hours (Management Minor Concentration Hours vs 300/400 Level Course Hours)
- The Vietnam Wars (POS 439)
[b]REQ Management Minor Concentration Course for 18 Concentration Credit Hours[/b]REQ 300/400 UL Elective for 24 Elective Credit Hours
- BUS 141
- BUS 260 - Unknown where this credit was accepted from on Sophia, logic dictates it is one of the [i][b]NOT SPECIFIED business transfers from Sophia[/i][/b]
- BUS 321
- BUS 350
- BUS 353
- BUS 415
- PCJ 215
- BIO 316
- BUS 321
- BUS 353
- BUS 415
- POS 301
- POS 332
- POS 335
- POS 343
- POS 370
- HTY 489