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I have heard some conflicting information, so I wanted to start a new thread to see if anyone could help confirm this for me. I have a number of elective credits I need to knock out on top of a few CLEPS. With 5 classes left at UOP I am down to the wire to get everything knocked out. My counsler is telling me that UOP will not take the FEMA credits as these would be considered distance training courses.. I reworded my question to her and gave the below links but I have not heard back. My question to the forum is, Has anyone taking the FEMA courses and submitted them to UOP succesfully? I need to make a road map to get done with my degree and want to know if FEMA is an option. Please let me know anything and everthing in regards to UOP accepting FEMA credits.Cool

FEMA Independent Study Program - Course List by Sytel
I would be interested in knowing the answer to this too, as I am also a student at UOP. I have 22 credits left of electives, and then I can graduate in February of next year. Hopefully someone will respond. If you get an answer back from your counselor, could you please post it? Thanks!

HG&D - 62
Ed. Psych - 57
Humanities - 59
A&I Literature - 59
Here's To Your Health - 59
Fund. of Counseling - 49
Criminal Justice - 55
Intro to Law Enforcement - 51
I am a current student of UoP, Monday will be my last day at UoP, I am so glad I am tranfering to Excelsior.

The UoP only accepts two Exam Board for examnination credits and thats CLEP and Dantes.

Should be able to find Exams you can write between CLEP and DANTES.

Hope this helps.
UoP will not directly accept courses from FEMA. You would need to have them evaluated by an RA institution and then have the credits transferred.

Before you go through that trouble, you would want to find out if the credits will fulfill requirements for your degree.

In addition to Dantes and Clep, I believe they will except Excelsior exams too. If anyone really needs to know, I will check.
Ronin Smile

What's left:

Excelsior Ethics exam

BSB Excelsior College Cool

The only way UoP would accept the credits is through the prior learning assessment. You will have to contact the PLAC at UoP or download their guidebook and find out if the FEMA credits are acceptable.

If they do allow the transfer it would be for electives only.

University of Phoenix - Admission Requirements - Prior Learning Assessment Center

I am work through the UoP PLAC to get 10 elective credits for my pilots license, and ASPE certification and a FL general contractors license.
Brian E

DONE with tests... yippee Cool

[INDENT]College Mathematics 78
English Composition (w/essay) 56
Social Sciences and History 66

[INDENT]Ethics in America 451
Here’s to Your Health 443 [/INDENT]

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