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Hi all. Smile Me again. I've taken a CLEP break since my IR class is kicking my butt, (my own fault for procrastinating)

I was wondering, anyone out there with AMU experience... do you all know what sorts of credit one would get for the FEMA courses, Docnet, and/or Unitar?

It says that all are accepted on their site, and that FEMA also applies to their masters programs... but... as nice and helpful as the admin. have been... they are uber bogged down at the moment, and asside from my advisor not being overly responsive except with general advice like "finish your gen eds, then your core, then... blah blah" they also really sort of refuse to tell you anything about potential credits even if you are enrolled and they could apply to your degree program.

The way to get around this is to submit and evaluation update form... but I all ready have one of those outstanding... from my first clep... which they have not processed yet... (at this moment supposed to take ANOTHER month... for ONE test to show up...) and they don't like it if you submit more while one is yet to be processed...

As impressed as I have been with them, and as happy as I am for the most part, I am a wee bit frustrated and saddened to see some of these Bureaucratic backups occuring more frequently since RA.

One of their snafu's... even after talking to three people in the same department, and being told by all three that it was no problem... cost my registration to all my classes in the next two months... Sad

So, anyone out there... any ideas as to what kind of credit I might get from that going for a BA in Intel? I'm pretty sure about the UNITAR stuff because they offer those courses directly... but... unsure about FEMA, and Docnet.

Thanks. Sorry for being so long winded. I just want to knock as much time off my degree as possible...


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