05-13-2010, 09:20 PM
soupbone Wrote:I'm still trying to figure out how a rumor (it's still a rumor until confirmed with an official announcement) got a few of you into panic mode. Pick up the phone and call Excelsior and simply ask everyone who will talk to you. Take a chain of command approach and ask up the ladder all the way to the Dean of your specific College if you feel it is necessary.
Honestly, I would expect a typical boilerplate response that wouldn't help one way or the other. You've never been asked, even backhandedly, to fib by your boss? Never had insider information that you had to keep to yourself? You've never known this-or-that was going to happen on a given date, but the official announcement was scheduled for a set time, so you weren't allowed to tell co-workers or customers? I've run into that more than once, on both sides of the situation. Heck, we have all this hubbub about TESC and Rutgers and my governor, and apparently the president of TESC didn't even know it was coming!
And specifically as to the "panic mode", I don't lay out every detail of my life on the internet, so I'm not going to "prove" why I might be "justified" in freakin' out. I'll just say that Excelsior allowing someone to complete the major in mathematics using the subject GRE alone is truly unique. This could have / can completely change my life for the foreseeable future.