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Bad news for my TESC degree
I just got off the phone with the nursing program that I'm applying to. They had "a lot of questions" about my degree from TESC. Apparently the main issue was that I've never taken any classes from TESC--all my credit was transferred in. The commitee was like, "How is that possible?" They found it really suspect, and even my age became an issue. In the words of the program director, "We're wondering how at your age did you complete a four year degree. Wasn't there a residency requirement; how come you never took any classes there...." FTR I am younger than the norm. I did point out to them that TESC is regionally accredited. But that didn't matter; it was how I completed my degree through transfer credit and credit by exam. The university chose not to recognize my degree. At all. Period. They're treating this like some fishy business as if I somehow paid for my degree (as a matter of fact, I certainly did Rolleyes) and that was it.

I don't know what to think. In the short run, I'm not qualified to enter the 2nd degree BSN accelerated track program. That's not the end of the world to me, but I'm feeling seriously discouraged about the worth of my unconventional degree(s). Am I going to encounter this problem over and over?
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
Snickerdoodle Wrote:I just got off the phone with the nursing program that I'm applying to. They had "a lot of questions" about my degree from TESC. Apparently the main issue was that I've never taken any classes from TESC--all my credit was transferred in. The commitee was like, "How is that possible?" They found it really suspect, and even my age became an issue. In the words of the program director, "We're wondering how at your age did you complete a four year degree. Wasn't there a residency requirement; how come you never took any classes there...." FTR I am younger than the norm. I did point out to them that TESC is regionally accredited. But that didn't matter; it was how I completed my degree through transfer credit and credit by exam. The university chose not to recognize my degree. At all. Period. They're treating this like some fishy business as if I somehow paid for my degree (as a matter of fact, I certainly did Rolleyes) and that was it.

I don't know what to think. In the short run, I'm not qualified to enter the 2nd degree BSN accelerated track program. That's not the end of the world to me, but I'm feeling seriously discouraged about the worth of my unconventional degree(s). Am I going to encounter this problem over and over?

So Sorry to hear that, I guess they didn't read the article in the New York Times about TESC and Excelsior, What about the nursing program over at Excelsior is that something that would be of use, It's well known as a nursing school.
Don't forget that gaining college credit by taking exams is one of the reason's we're here. That's mainly possible through the flashcards made available by the owner of this forum : InstantCert Plus of course your hard work in learning and reviewing
Current Credits

Irish Education

FETAC Level 6 Adv Cert in Admin

Spreadsheets 5 U.S credits A ,Word Processing 2.5 U.S credits A
Business Management 5.0 U.S credits A Web Authoring 2.5 U.S credits A Communications 5.0 U.S credits A Manual and Computerized Bookkeeping 2.5 U.S Credits A

ECDL (European Computer Drivers License) ICS SKILLS 5 credits

Strayer University Marketing 100 (paid for by Starbucks) A 4.5 quarter hours
CLEP U.S History I 74, U.S History II 69, Western Civ II 61, Western Civ I 64, HG&D 60, Humanities 60, biz law 67,Am Gov 57.
DSST: Biz ethics & s 450, Art WW 424
EC CCS 120 A , EC ENG 101 A, EC BUS 312 H.R A , EC ENG 102 A,
B&M ACC 151 B, B&M ACC 152 (starting) Nat Scies,
Wow! Now I'm curious what school this is.
TESC BA June 2010
EI2HCB Wrote:What about the nursing program over at Excelsior is that something that would be of use, It's well known as a nursing school.

Unfortunately Excelsior's nursing programs are only for RNs. I'm not one.

taylor Wrote:Wow! Now I'm curious what school this is.

A private health sciences university in California. (I dare not say more, this is the interwebz.) :leaving:

I'm looking at TESC's in-house 2nd degree BSN program also. But a cross-country move....It's not like this school won't accept me, it's just that 1) I don't qualify for the accelerated program and 2) how can you just sweep aside a degree like that? :confused:
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
Snickerdoodle Wrote:Unfortunately Excelsior's nursing programs are only for RNs. I'm not one.

A private health sciences university in California. (I dare not say more, this is the interwebz.) :leaving:

I'm looking at TESC's in-house 2nd degree BSN program also. But a cross-country move....It's not like this school won't accept me, it's just that 1) I don't qualify for the accelerated program and 2) how can you just sweep aside a degree like that? :confused:

There was no question about my degree from TESC (BA in COMM) when applying for my masters, in fact they approved me for admission before December graduation just by looking at my unofficial transcript (and still ordered the official transcript at the correct time). I think what scares people off is seeing the transcript which reads "GPA N/A" if you don't have any credits from TESC. Mine had a GPA so I don't know if that would have changed their mind or not. I was surprised when they didn't want transcripts from CLEP, DSST, ACE, or my CC, they saw the degree was done and from a regionally accredited college and that was it (once I filled out some essays for the program). I'd try to find another school to apply with and see how it goes, sounds like a really odd situation. It's always up to the school to weed out candidates, but when they are doing it over your degree that is really odd.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
They really don't have a problem with my CLEP courses. They're accepting my credits direct from CLEP, such as intro to psych and socio and all my humanities, but they're taking issue with the fact that none of my classes were taken at TESC for my degree. Nevermind that I transferred several b&m classes from other (supposedly) even more reputable universities; my degree is still worth nada.

I'm still in the running for the regular BSN track, but I'm definitely applying elsewhere.
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
I'm so glad to hear CooperAlex's good experience!

Is this the same school that had a positive response to your unique education a few weeks ago?

She's obviously not a kindred spirit, at this point, which is disappointing. Would it be worth sharing the brand new NYT article that EI2HCB mentioned? It explains a lot of the issues that she raised.

Being a trailblazer can be difficult. Keep at it!
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
Yep, same school, different program. I did think of that article (awesome piece) but I'm not sure if pushing would help or hurt the cause. I got the impression that my case has been a thorn in the side of the commitee, the way scientists felt when they encountered the platypus. :/ Your thoughts on a good way to bring it up?
AA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Dec. 2012
BA Liberal Studies, Thomas Edison State College-Sept. 2013
16 CLEPs, 6 DSSTs, 12 FEMAs, and a handful of B&M lab science courses
120/120 credits DONE :hurray:

“He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
Maybe something like.... I can understand your concerns. TESC has offered a unique opportunity for me to complete my degree, which I could not have done through traditional degree programs. I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read this article which was published this week in the NYT. I hope it helps to answer your questions and that you will reconsider my application to your program.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
You may also want to work in something that points out how obtaining your degree, and your goals, at such a young age, involved thinking outside of the box, applying yourself, and a hard work ethic. Something along those lines. Schools, undergrad or grad, are looking for people who will be able to start their program and finish it. Not drop out, etc. That may also be a part of why they seemed skeptical of how you got you're degree, cause you didn't "do" anything at your undergrad school and may be wondering what you'll offer them. I have no clue.

Hope it works out for you.

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