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Bad News--Excelsior Unofficial Evaluation
I just received my unofficial evaluation from Excelsior yesterday and I am a little perturbed. Based on the sample degree plan I put together for my AS degree, I only needed 18 credits. Excelsior is saying that I still need 30 credits (it says 31 but I already have taken Info Lit).

Everything they say I need is correct except for the Applied Professional category. I took some real estate courses at my local cc last October/November that I was sure were going to transfer over to Excelsior with no problem. The courses were 12 quarter hours total, which would equate to 8 semester hours. It says on the eval that they received the transcript for Sinclair (my cc) so I don't understand why they didn't include them. Can anyone shed some light on this.

Also...just counting my CLEP credits + my 1 credit Penn Foster course...I have 34 credits. So I should only need 26 credits. Why are they saying I need extra?

Here is what my eval says:

Unofficial Summary - Associate in Science (AS)

Credits from the following sources were used in this evaluation:


Listed below are the requirements you still need to complete:

General Education (Arts & Sciences Requirement**)
6.00 semester hours in arts and sciences

Distribution Requirements
9.00 in Natural Science/Math
3.00 in Humanities
6.00 in Natural Science/Math

Written English Requirement
3.00 semester hours in Written English

Applied Professional Credits or Additional Arts & Sciences
13.00semester hours in any academic area

Information Literacy Requirement

First of all...That cheap a%*$)# evaluation pisses me off. I was expecting a real evaluation like the one my local cc provides and even TESC provides. I can't believe they had the audacity to call this an evaluation. I can't even see where they applied my credits and had this been an "evaluation," I wouldn't have to post about it here in this forum...I would already know the answers I seek.

I have attached a copy of my sample degree plan so you can see how I allocated all of my credits. The courses in blue have already been completed.

Thanks for any advice you can give me. I'm definitely going to call them on Monday to see what the heck is going on. I just wanted some feedback from you guys in the meantime.

I am thinking worst case scenario. I loved the fact that Excelsior had the Applied Professional category and based on the catalog, thought my real estate courses would transfer in. I also am going to be starting my Paralegal program at my cc in September---I was thinking I could use those credits (once earned) to transfer into my BS degree at Excelsior.

Now here is my dilemma. (Worst Case Scenario)...If Excelsior won't take my real estate courses then it's safe to assume that they won't transfer in my paralegal courses either. In that case...Excelsior is not looking so hot to me anymore...this is the main reason why I wanted to enroll at Excelsior. Plus...I could get grades for my Dantes exams. That's not looking so hot because based on the revisions that DSST is the time I take the exams, enroll, and get them on a trancript...Excelsior probably won't even be giving letter grades for any of them anymore.

Based on my personal projections, I won't even be close to graduating with a Bachelor's degree until June 2010. If Excelsior doesn't grade the vast majority of DANTES defeats the purpose of me enrolling there and I should have just stuck with my first choice...Thomas Edison.

The downside to TESC is that based on my degree goals...I don't plan on taking any courses at all (BA degree), and if I do have to take courses, I'm definitely not going to be taking them at TESC for $175 per credit hour. I will be taking them cheaper somewhere else and will have the course transferred in. What concerns me though is the GPA issue. Even though there is a huge chance that I won't even be going to grad school...I don't want to shoot myself in the foot by graduating from TESC with no gpa and then trying to get into grad school if I decide to go.

And another thing. If Excelsior doesn't tranfer in my real estate courses or my paralegal courses...then I would only have my 34 CLEP credits to apply towards my degree:mad: . At TESC---for the BA in Liberal Studies, I have 51 credits (because of FEMA) and for the BSBA in General Management...I have 56 credits. That's a huge difference in credits between the two schools. The thing that sucks the most is that if it wasn't for TESC's grading policy...I wouldn't even be in this boat.
This whole thing is complete and utter *#$U*$Y*$)#)#U*#*)@@)@)(($$*.

I am so stressed out because I can't decide on a damn school to go with. Somebody please help me sort this crap out.


From a loyal degree seeker,

Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
Sorry guys...I was so ticked off I forgot to attach a copy of my AS Degree plan.

***The courses in blue have already been completed***

Attached Files
.doc   Less than 1 minute ago">Associate in Science (AS) - Excelsior.doc (Size: 32.5 KB / Downloads: 49)
Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
As I see it ( based on the Excelsior eval you posted ) you need the credits in red below (19) ( really 18 since you completed IL already )

Listed below are the requirements you still need to complete:

General Education (Arts & Sciences Requirement**)

6.00 semester hours in arts and sciences

Applied Professional Credits or Additional Arts & Sciences
13.00 semester hours in any academic area[/COLOR]

(Below are requirements needed to complete the degree using the needed credits above in red. In other words, they are saying when choosing courses make sure they will complete the requirements of the degree. Lastly please note above ( the excelsior Eval) says 13 SH in any academic area (AP [B]or A&S -not 13 in AP) so it reflects a combination of both and fits/works with the way you have your credits broken down on your spreadsheet. )[/B]

Distribution Requirements

9.00 in Natural Science/Math
3.00 in Humanities
6.00 in Natural Science/Math

Written English Requirement
3.00 semester hours in Written English

Information Literacy Requirement

I hope that helps.

I have been very happy with Excelsior and would recommend them to you.

[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Exams Passed: DSST : Civil War & Reconstruction : score 59 (A), DSST-Ethics in America (463 - pass), ECE-Ethics:Theory & Practice (A) , ECE: Literacy Instruction in the Elem. School (A), UExcel Poli Sci (B),ECE: PA&A (A) -->Exams taken after BSLS degree : [B][B]DSST : Intro to World Religions (466) DSST: Lisfespan Dev. Psych.(62) Foundations of Educ. (74) , Art of the Western World (69)[/B][/B]

[COLOR="Red"]completed[/COLOR] BS Liberal Studies w/Focus in Administrative/Management Studies & Depth in Psychology (cum. GPA 3.23/ Excelsior GPA 3.88) [FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][/SIZE]
[SIZE="1"][/SIZE][SIZE="1"][/SIZE] BS degree conferred 2/19/10 : Grad courses completed : 2 Educ. Grad. courses via Vesi- Morningside College 1 course 3 credits (grade A-) and a 2nd course 2 credits (B+)
From what I’ve seen posted on the forum, Excelsior’s evaluations seem to be confusing. It would help if they added a line that said, you have this many credits and you need this many credits.

I agree with Peace123 that it may not be as bad as it looks at first.

I’m looking forward to the feedback you get about this.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!

I'm wondering if they didn't apply the real estate credits because they are considered Continuing Education or otherwise remedial credits. I didn't get credit with Excelsior for my EMT course/certification, EMS Cardiac Care, EMS Pharmacology or Refresher courses because even though the school I took them through gave me curriculum credit EC considers them remedial because they are usually offered on Con Ed instead of curriculum. They do that with a lot of career based programs. I teach in Con Ed at our local CC and we offer real estate classes on our side and our students get credit, but not curriculum credit. I was as upset as you about all my EMS classes. They were all rated as 100 / 200 level by my CC, but EC wouldn't count them. It should say when you get an official eval and summary why they were not counted. I would email your advisor and they will be happy to explain it. I had to do that for mine. I do like EC and have been with them for a while and just completed my AS with them and have re-enrolled for my BSHS with them. They seem very fair and are much better about responses than TESC. I'm sure in the light it won't be as bad you think! Let me know if I can be of any help!
Completed 2/09 - 5/13

RHIA Post-Bac Cert - Stephens - 5/13
MHA - Bellevue Univ - 3/12
BSHS - Excelsior 12/10
BSLS - Excelsior 3/10
ASLS - Excelsior 4/09

ECE - A&P - B
ECE - Found. of Gerontology - B
ECE - Ethics: Theory & Practice - B
ECE - Psych. of Adulthood & Aging - A
ECE - Social Psych. - B
ECE - Abnormal Psych. - B
ECE - HR Management - B
ECE - Research Methods of Psych. - B
ECE - Pathophysiology - A

CLEP - American Govt - 58
CLEP - Intro. to Sociology - 63
CLEP - A & I Lit - 70
DSST - Fund. of Counseling - A (65)
DSST - Org. Behavior - A (67)
DSST - Environment & Humanity - A (62)
DSST - Found. of Education - A (64)
DSST - Here's to Your Health - 461 (Pass)
DSST - Substance Abuse - 460 (Pass)
DSST - Principles of Supervision - A (61)
DSST - Lifespan Developmental Psych - A (59)
DSST - Criminal Justice - 443 (Pass)
DSST - MIS - 415 (Pass)
UExcel - Intro. to Psych (Beta)- Pass
ALEKS - College Alg, Stats
Straighterline - Medical Term, Pharmacology I & II
FEMA - PDS + more
Note that the evaluation you got is a 10 minute evaluation, and is worse case. You get an official evaluation within 8 weeks of enrollment. During that time, you probably want to contact your advisor and make a case for including some of those credits. That is what I am doing.

Pay your enrollment of $150 using a POAG discount, and see what the real evaluation tells you. Search for POAG and you will see how the discount works. It may just defer the enrollment fees till later in some cases, but will allow you to find out for $150, and enroll in another college if you don't like your formal assessment.

You think your case is bad, well mine seems much worse. It is almost a new kind of math, but I must admit that it is my fault for not finishing up in reasonable time.

My story is...

I have been an on/off/on student with Regents/Excelsior. I started in the late 80's, got an evaluation, showing that I needed 20 credits for my BSCS. This was before on-line courses, so 20 credits still took a long time.
I was originally given 104 credits, and added 16 or that I took at Empire.

I then took a 12 year break, and my new evaluation said I still needed about 104, despite the fact that I had added 16.
(104 + 16 = 104)

So, finally, the kids are mostly older and I can buckle down and do it. My latest evaluation shows me only 89 credits. So, I have lost 34 credits over the years!!!

(120 now equal 89)
(2 D grades no longer transfer, GRE CS credit now dropped)
I decided to just swallow it and get it done, and I have finished 21 (upper) of the 34 required in only three weeks, and will be all done in another two weeks.

All in all, it will take me five weeks to finish my BS. If it were not for IC I would have never had the motivation to do this. IC gets me half the way there, and with three days of studying I can get A or B on upper level courses.
Thank you guys for responding to my post.

Based on what Peace123 stated, I may have just misread the evaluation (not my fault because the eval is confusing). The breakdown should be as follows:

- 6 credits General Education (6)
- 9 credits in Natural Science Math or 3 in Humanities+6 in Math (9)
- 3 credits for Written English Requirement (3)

FOR A TOTAL OF 18...which is what I said I only needed in the beginning.

What threw me off was the Applied Professional or Arts & Sciences saying that I needed 13 credits (technically 12 because I've already taken Info Lit).

I'm still going to call Excelsior on Monday just to confirm. I'll let you guys know what's what at that time.

I am also still pissed about that evaluation...that is very cheap and unprofessional. At least TESC's unofficial evaluation looked like an evaluation. The sample degree plan I put together looks better than that crap they gave me. If I charged every person on this forum $75 for "unofficial evaluation" like the one Excelsior provided me...I'd be rich. I'd really like to see an itemized bill for that $75. I guarantee you if I asked for one...they wouldn't provide me with it because what they provided doesnt' cost $75.

Okay...I'm done(Breathe...Breathe!!!!)

Thank you guys again for your help and I'll keep you posted.

From a loyal degree seeker,

Thomas Edison State University (TESU)
Enrolled in BA in Liberal Studies - 105/120 Completed

Associate in Science, Excelsior College
malcs Wrote:GRE CS credit now dropped


Does CS mean Computer Science? Why did you lose your credit for a GRE? You've had a rough time with this. I'm glad you've decided to persevere, though.


By the way, Marshall, I love your picture! It makes me smile and relax every time I see it.
AS in 2010 and BS in 2013 at Excelsior College - Transcripts and Costs
MS Biostatistics in 2019 at Texas A&M University - Graduate School

Sharing Credit-by-Exam* and Help for Veterans
Resources Used - 20+ Exams Passed & General GRE
Practice Tests - Available for CLEP and DSST

* Link posted with permission from forum admin; thank you!
NAP Wrote:Hi!

Does CS mean Computer Science? Why did you lose your credit for a GRE? You've had a rough time with this. I'm glad you've decided to persevere, though.

Yes it means Computer Science.

I took the GRE around 1990, and got a 600. At the time I think that I was at around the 65th percentile. They awarded me 36 credits. They later amended their policy, and disallowed all but 6 credits due to my percentile rank. I even sent them my official transcript from the time that showed full credit.

Now, for whatever reason, they are on the fence about whether I will even get 6 of the credits. They claim that I may have a conflict between that and some other CS courses. All of my other CS courses are upper level, so I do not see why I don't get credit for the intro courses. I have been in the CS field for 25 years, so I would know a confict when I see it.

Anyway, 6 credits is a week of full time study. I did 9 credits last week, so not too terrible. This week is Abnormal and Social Psyc. Smoke is coming out of my ears, but I am getting real good at binge learning then throwing it back up during the test, LOL! Bolemic Test Taking!
So far five A's, one B, one C.
Best of Luck,
mlwilliamsiv Wrote:I could get grades for my Dantes exams. That's not looking so hot because based on the revisions that DSST is the time I take the exams, enroll, and get them on a trancript...Excelsior probably won't even be giving letter grades for any of them anymore.[/SIZE][/FONT]

[FONT=Book Antiqua][SIZE=3]Based on my personal projections, I won't even be close to graduating with a Bachelor's degree until June 2010. If Excelsior doesn't grade the vast majority of DANTES defeats the purpose of me enrolling there and I should have just stuck with my first choice...Thomas Edison

Hey Marshal,

I had a moment just like this last year when I saw those DSST's changing. So I made a new plan. I took all the DSST's I needed to take that would no longer have a credit awarded first. It messed up my nice excel sheet, but I received credit for all of those exams.

I'm not saying this is the answer for you, but I think you should consider taking some of the DSST's you need later earlier then planned, to avoid the scenario above.

Excelsior BSB Aug 21, 2009

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