(01-04-2025, 06:58 PM)bjcheung77 Wrote: That's great, getting closer to the 90+ credits is best. You may want to see if you can get the spreadsheet with the remaining classes and decide to go in a particular order of classes. Good luck, set yourself up a timeline to get these completed and go at a comfy pace to getting these done in 1 session if possible, otherwise, keep at it for Spring II session finish.
Thanks so much. Your comments here are always so insightful! Also just noticed you are a PNW guy, so hi neighbor.

I'll be at the full 90 transfer-in as soon as they post credit for my CLEP College Comp, which will finalize my GenEd's. Just got the grade yesterday for that, passed with a 64. Woot! Everything remaining is in the major.
I'm enrolled for the first 4 classes, knocking out the only two 200 levels and a couple of seemingly easier 300 levels first. Figured that would sort of ease me in. I was thinking I'd get some guidance from my advisor at that point since my only remaining have-to's will be Con Law and the capstone; the rest just need to be upper level POS courses.