07-05-2024, 08:40 PM
(04-25-2024, 08:48 AM)ashkir Wrote: Has anyone on DegreeForum done a few classes, or finished a degree from ACE?
They have a lot of programs and RA accrediation. It'd be nice to see some reviews from them. Their pricing is pretty competitive for cash payers.
Hello. It's been a very long time since I've posted anything here, but I wanted to say that I cannot speak highly enough of ACE. I completed a Masters in Education in Health and Wellness Education.
The classes follow the same format. They are five weeks with videos and readings. You only take one class at a time and you have a week or two off between each course. After the first course you can petition to take more than one at a time. Each week you completed a discussion board, a small paper (or project), and a quiz. The final week you complete a discussion board, an exam, and a reflection paper with prompts provided.
I chose the program because of the length and at the time it was the closet thing to a Masters in Public Health for cost and time. While it is not the same thing, I was able to test and become a Certified Health Education Specialist.
I am currently finishing a certificate in content area instruction in cognitive sciences. It follows the same format. All these classes are psych coded so I believe I will I will qualify to teach psych courses. With going back I got a 10% alumni discount so I think each course is about $750.
I am happy to answer any questions about my experience.