As far as everything I have read from accounts on the campus forums, some of which were posted years ago (like in 2019) and some of which were posted recently (2023), it can take up to 3 months (if you have issues, even 6 months) after you finish your assignments to actually get all your assignments graded and the grades inputted into the gradebook. As per what ENEB tells you after you take a final exam, the grades getting inputted for an assignment may actually even be 2 weeks after the assignment itself is graded. Anyways if you finished all assignments in December, I say you do not need to worry until the end of March. I have also not yet found anyone who finished all the work and literally never got their diplomas even say, 1 or 2 years later - I've just found some people for whom it was a few months' delay. So that is to say, ENEB has not scammed you out of your money and they are not stopping you from graduating, you are just going to graduate a few months more slowly than you expected.
On that note, according to the site rules listed on their "legal" page, you need to have completed all quizzes with 50% or better, or it will not count as a completed course even if you have done all the other work. Not sure if they really follow this rule or not, nor if this applies to the exam students, however I took my final exam on Dec 4th, do not have grades inputted into the gradebook yet, and finally realized that part of the problem might be on my end because I had not completed all of the quizzes (I still have not yet completed all of them - dragging out the date to graduation will actually be in my favor).
When I signed up for my final exam held in December, ENEB told me my graduation would be in April. This makes perfect sense: December + 3 months for inputting grades + 3 months to issue the digital and physical degrees after all grades have been inputted.
Please do not Email or call them every day. These Emails are replied to by humans, not some AI robot. You are in no danger. Messaging them so many times will also make it slower for everyone else to receive replies to their own Emails. They are likely doing everything in order - you may be number 5,000 on the waiting list.
Well, a real university takes much longer than 2 months to send out the graduation certificates and transcripts in PDF form. The school for my Associate's only issues diplomas once a year, and for my Bachelor's twice a year - it doesn't matter when you graduated or if you just want a copy of a degree you lost the physical version of, they make you wait that time. And yes this includes PDF versions. They claim something about having to go "fetch it from an archive". In ENEB's case, they are likely required to do some sort of collaboration work with Isabel staff in order to get each student those Isabel certificates, which may be part of the delay.
On that note, according to the site rules listed on their "legal" page, you need to have completed all quizzes with 50% or better, or it will not count as a completed course even if you have done all the other work. Not sure if they really follow this rule or not, nor if this applies to the exam students, however I took my final exam on Dec 4th, do not have grades inputted into the gradebook yet, and finally realized that part of the problem might be on my end because I had not completed all of the quizzes (I still have not yet completed all of them - dragging out the date to graduation will actually be in my favor).
When I signed up for my final exam held in December, ENEB told me my graduation would be in April. This makes perfect sense: December + 3 months for inputting grades + 3 months to issue the digital and physical degrees after all grades have been inputted.
Please do not Email or call them every day. These Emails are replied to by humans, not some AI robot. You are in no danger. Messaging them so many times will also make it slower for everyone else to receive replies to their own Emails. They are likely doing everything in order - you may be number 5,000 on the waiting list.
(01-13-2024, 07:11 AM)Wowbagger Wrote: It shouldn't take two whole months to send out a PDF document.
Well, a real university takes much longer than 2 months to send out the graduation certificates and transcripts in PDF form. The school for my Associate's only issues diplomas once a year, and for my Bachelor's twice a year - it doesn't matter when you graduated or if you just want a copy of a degree you lost the physical version of, they make you wait that time. And yes this includes PDF versions. They claim something about having to go "fetch it from an archive". In ENEB's case, they are likely required to do some sort of collaboration work with Isabel staff in order to get each student those Isabel certificates, which may be part of the delay.
Finished: 2 AAs, 1 BA, 2 trade schools, 3 ENEB MAs, JLPT N1.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.
In Progress: 1 WGU MA, 2 Mastercurssos, 3 more ENEB MAs, teacher license.