07-20-2023, 12:44 AM
Universidad San Miguel https://www.usm.edu.mx/
They have physical presence and most of their studies is in presence. They have a very limited online offer.
Has a PhD (DBA) that is presential. You have to be there for what appears on the web. It has RVOE, so if the number checks out and is active should be fine. If I'm not wrong is a regional RVOE.
The only programs they have online are 3 licenciaturas (Bachelors) at the moment. https://www.usm.edu.mx/universidad-virtual
All appears to be in spanish.
They have a section of "titulos ropios", here called "grados propios" in colaboration with another university. https://www.usm.edu.mx/grados-propios
They have physical presence and most of their studies is in presence. They have a very limited online offer.
Has a PhD (DBA) that is presential. You have to be there for what appears on the web. It has RVOE, so if the number checks out and is active should be fine. If I'm not wrong is a regional RVOE.
The only programs they have online are 3 licenciaturas (Bachelors) at the moment. https://www.usm.edu.mx/universidad-virtual
All appears to be in spanish.
They have a section of "titulos ropios", here called "grados propios" in colaboration with another university. https://www.usm.edu.mx/grados-propios