(01-05-2022, 10:03 PM)BigBird Wrote: Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Abschluss! Always fun to meet fellow Germans "abroad."
Vielen Dank! Ich habe gerade auch Deinen Beitrag gelesen; From the sounds of it, our paths have been somewhat similar. What part of Germany are you from and where in the U.S. do you live now? I'm from Cologne and live in the Tampa Bay area now.
(01-05-2022, 09:43 PM)LevelUP Wrote: Welcome to the TESU 4.0 GPA club!
Your name will be on the president's list published on the TESU website, along with all other students who received a perfect 4.0 GPA. So within a couple of weeks, you should get an email about this.
Thank you! To be honest, the President's List was they main motivation behind trying to finish with a 4.0 GPA
(01-06-2022, 12:05 AM)bjcheung77 Wrote: Congrats! Wow, that was amazing! You did that pretty quickly! Any plans for the next educational journey?
Thank you! Initially I thought I could get it done within 7 or 8 months, but I ended up taking some vacation time in between, and a couple of things ended up taking longer than anticipated. I tend to lose interest rather quickly, so being able to design my own schedule, and work on the different degree requirements at my own pace, really helped. I'm not sure I would have made it through a traditional four year program.
A Master's degree, of course, would be the next logical step, however I have not applied yet. For the time being, I'm going to enjoy some time off to focus on other adventures.
(01-05-2022, 11:44 PM)studyingfortests Wrote: Congratulations on completing your journey so quickly and efficiently! The collective knowledge in this forum is incredible and no telling how many folks there are like yourself who lurk and learn and put in the effort to earn a degree and never join or post, so it's awesome that you took the time to do so!
I'm surprised that TESU was so anal with you about the 100 credits. My advisor released the hold for me with 96 (though I think he knew I had others in the pipeline that had not yet transferred in.) And I admire you taking 16 credits in a single semester. The capstone + SOS-110 alone was enough to keep me busy.
Do you have any educational plans beyond the bachelor's degree? Is it vocational or for personal enrichment?
Thanks! I couldn't believe it myself, but they were adamant that I had to have a minimum of 100 credits successfully applied to my academic evaluation It all worked out in the end. While SOS-110 really didn't require a huge weekly time commitment, the capstone certainly did! Especially week 3, if I'm not mistaken. I am still surprised that it only counts as 3 credits. Social Psychology (PSY-379) equates to 6, and I really enjoyed that course, but wasn't nearly as much work (with the exception of having to complete a midterm- and final-exam).
The degree was mostly for personal enrichment While I have thought about continuing on to a master's, I haven't actively applied to any schools yet. I'll probably give it a year or two
(01-05-2022, 08:39 PM)rachel83az Wrote: Congratulations on your new degree! What an incredible journey.
Thanks a lot, Rachel!