08-26-2021, 10:37 PM
(08-26-2021, 10:08 PM)collegecareerstudent Wrote: Unrelated but somewhat related on Coursera OP Jindal University, a top school in India offers Masters degrees for 6k online. Very prestigious. I applied and got accepted, but chose other schools at the moment.OP Jindal is a great university with competitive prices for their degrees, but I am a little bit iffy that graduates from Coursera will receive a degree that is different from their offline students. Taken from their FAQ on their International Relations degree:
Quote:Students who complete the programme will earn an Online M.A. in International Relations, Security and Strategy degree from O.P. Jindal Global University. This degree is unique from the on-campus M.A. in Diplomacy, Law, and Business programme.It is a minor issue for most, but it is a dealbreaker for me.