07-04-2019, 12:14 AM
Trying to transfer in every course is going to hold you back. There are so many ways to get cheap credits and transfer 114 credits to TESU, Excelsior, and COSC that I would pick a bachelor's degree you like and start hammering out credits by exam. Forget about what you got. Focus on what you need to do to complete the degree you're interested in.
Intro to Marketing and Strategy ($9) | Intro to Microeconomics ($9)
Intro to Managerial Accounting ($70) | Advanced Accounting ($70) | Managerial Accounting ($80) | Intermediate Accounting 2 ($90) | Intermediate Accounting I ($90) | Cybersecurity Policies & Management ($80) | Management Information Systems ($80) | Data Structures & Algorithms ($80) | Intro to Programming ($70) | Computer Architecture ($70) | Calculus ($80) Database Management ($80)
Systems Analysis & Design ($70) | Discrete Math ($80) | Intro to Operation Systems ($80)
Intro to Computer Science I ($25)
Intro to Marketing and Strategy ($9) | Intro to Microeconomics ($9)
Intro to Managerial Accounting ($70) | Advanced Accounting ($70) | Managerial Accounting ($80) | Intermediate Accounting 2 ($90) | Intermediate Accounting I ($90) | Cybersecurity Policies & Management ($80) | Management Information Systems ($80) | Data Structures & Algorithms ($80) | Intro to Programming ($70) | Computer Architecture ($70) | Calculus ($80) Database Management ($80)
Systems Analysis & Design ($70) | Discrete Math ($80) | Intro to Operation Systems ($80)
Intro to Computer Science I ($25)