06-10-2018, 01:05 PM
Hmm this looks good, the "introduction to robotics" course seems like an option not available anywhere, to bad they don't accept international students.
Master of Business Administration, Robert Cavelier University (2024-2025)
MS Information and Communication Technology (UK IET Accredited) (On Hold)
Master of Theological Studies, Nations University (6 cr)
UNDERGRAD : 184 Credits
BA Computer Science, TESU '19
BA Liberal Studies, TESU '19
AS Natural Science and Mathematics, TESU '19
StraighterLine (27 Cr) Shmoop (18 Cr) Sophia (11 Cr)
TEEX (5 Cr) Aleks (9 Cr) ED4Credit (3 Cr) CPCU (2 Cr) Study.com (39 Cr)
TESU (4 cr)
TT B&M (46 Cr) Nations University (9 cr) UoPeople: (3 cr) Penn Foster: (8 cr)
Master of Business Administration, Robert Cavelier University (2024-2025)
MS Information and Communication Technology (UK IET Accredited) (On Hold)
Master of Theological Studies, Nations University (6 cr)
UNDERGRAD : 184 Credits
BA Computer Science, TESU '19
BA Liberal Studies, TESU '19
AS Natural Science and Mathematics, TESU '19
StraighterLine (27 Cr) Shmoop (18 Cr) Sophia (11 Cr)
TEEX (5 Cr) Aleks (9 Cr) ED4Credit (3 Cr) CPCU (2 Cr) Study.com (39 Cr)
TESU (4 cr)
TT B&M (46 Cr) Nations University (9 cr) UoPeople: (3 cr) Penn Foster: (8 cr)