05-24-2017, 06:01 AM
Ideas Wrote:Shmoop has convoluted questions, but you can earn 12-18+ credits for $88 if you work fast. $88 total, making it under $8 per credit.
If you know your literature, get into the Shmoop mindset, keep all your tabs open for each unit (as well as the synopsis and symbolism pages for lit) so you're ready for the unit test, and are willing to spend 12-14 hours a day busting it out, you can complete all the lit and history courses in two weeks. 39 credits for around $88. It's not fun, but it is doable.
But don't bother with Contemporary Lit. It is unpassable.
TESU BALS Humanities, thanks to this place!
The mind is willing, but the wallet is weak.
The mind is willing, but the wallet is weak.