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How many hours did you study for the drug and alcohol test-dantes
I feel like I have been studying so long-but not all of the information is sticking

It doesn't all need to stick, just enough :-)
dvanrosen Wrote:I feel like I have been studying so long-but not all of the information is sticking


I went over the flash cards one time. A lot of it didn't stick but somehow I managed a pass on this one.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
I probably studied 15 hours, give or take a few.

Have you used the Peterson's tests? That provides extra study material. The DSST book on the Peterson's site is another good resource too.
If you have the time, watch Intervention. I love that show and it makes this topic so much more interesting and can help you visualize what you're studying about.

I studied for a few days a couple of hours in the evening, but I have a pretty strong drug background. (I'm in medical sales and have taken a pharmacy tech course to help w/work)

KNOW the drug schedules, especially I and II and really know all the drugs that are listed on IC. Hope that helps..
Regis University, ITESO, Global MBA with a focus in Emerging Markets 4.0 GPA, Dual-university degree (Spanish/English) 
ISSA Certified Nutritionist
COSC BS, Business Admin

My BS Credits:
Spanish 80 | Humanities 67 | A & I Lit 72 | Sub Abuse 452 | Bus Ethics 445 | Tech Writ 62 | Math 53 | HTYH 454 | Am. Govt 65 | Env & Humanity 64 | Marketing 65 | Micro 61| Mgmt 63| Org Behavior 65| MIS 446|Computing 432 | BL II 61 | M&B 50 | Finance 411 | Supervision 437| Intro Bus. 439| Law Enforcement 63|  SL: Accounting I B | Accounting II C+| Macro A | ECE: Labor Relations A | Capstone: A| FEMA PDS Cert 
1-2 hours for about a week.
but i had some knowledge of psycho drugs from doing several psychology exams.

very surprising, on my exam, it did not have that much questions about alcohol. I was very disappointed because that was my strongest part. (don't ask cheersmate )
i guess thats why they changed the name to substance abuse
completed: A.A.S. (Computer Tech.) from Excelsior 03-19-10
completed: B.S.L.S. (History) from excelsior 02-18-11
B&M: 58 credits
excelsior courses: [10 credits] 09-08-09 Info Lit. (P); 09-08-09 Historiography (A); 11-02-09 US Foreign Affairs since 1898 (A); 07-06-10 Middle East (B);
CLEP: [30 credits] 09-25-09 US History I (69); 11-06-09 US History II (66); 11-06-09 A&I Lit (73); 02-19-10 West. Civ II (70); 03-30-10 West. Civ I (72); 04-16-10 Intro. Edu Psych (70);
.Clep: 06-18-10 Principles of Marketing (73); 12-09-10 Social Sci. & History (74);
ECE: [12 credits] 05-01-10 Abnormal Psychology (B); 05-04-10 Psych. of A&A (A); 05-15-10 Gerontology ©; 06-05-10 World Population (A);
DSST: [12 credits] 07-17-10 Civil War & Recon (63); 08-14-10 Substance Abuse (444); 09-18-10 Vietnam War (66); 10-02-10 R&F Soviet Union (62);
Total: 122 credits
Okay, I just got back from this one passed with a 462. I studied the DSST guide from the internet, that test as well as two practice Peterson's. My test had 98 questions on it. I would say I guessed about a third of them. If you are not comfortable with not knowing an answer positively, then I would suggest reading a textbook or at least signing up for IC for this, because the DSST guide, while obviously enough to pass, did not cover the breadth and depth of questions on the actual exam.
burbuja0512 Wrote:If you have the time, watch Intervention. I love that show and it makes this topic so much more interesting and can help you visualize what you're studying about.

I studied for a few days a couple of hours in the evening, but I have a pretty strong drug background. (I'm in medical sales and have taken a pharmacy tech course to help w/work)

KNOW the drug schedules, especially I and II and really know all the drugs that are listed on IC. Hope that helps..

Great idea... I only wish that show had been around when I took this exam. I took DSST Health and Substance Abuse around the same time and studied by taking lots of practice tests. Both tests were relatively easy.
I took substance abuse and found it more difficult than here's to your health, but I still passed. I studied about 10-15 hours and I thought I had a good understanding of the information....then I took the test. I felt like I studied all the wrong information because the test went way more in-depth than I had studied for. I concentrated on a general view of barbituates, amphetamines, alcohol, etc, but the test went into specific illegal/legal drugs and their uses. So, study a general overview and then get into the specifics of the drugs and their uses. Also, not a lot of questions about alcohol either, so don't spend too much time on that. I used Peterson's Free Clep website for all my studying and passed.
Ihank you so much for responding. I have practice using IC sources and read the book, but I feel like I have studied the wrong material. I have three sources of books I am using, and sometimes its like I have to go back adn study some more. My days and nights seem to be comsumme with studying. I am not doing good in the alcohol and cardio area so I am focusing more on those. Thank you for the positive feedback, I am just scared that everythign I study may not even be onthe test, but what I have studuied lest of will be.


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