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UMPI degree plan for Air Force officer candidate
Hi recently I decided to join Air Forces as an officer but they require a bachelor degree which I don't have. I will be putting the work in and get my degree as soon as possible. I was searching all the schools and programs to find the best fit for me thinking I should get a viable degree so I can use it in real world. Since I decided to join to be pilot this has changed and I think UMPI's BLS degrees would be the best fit for me since they are more flexible about free electives. ( if i am wrong if there is any way faster please let me know)

After I decided I wanted to set a plan for myself continue with it. I was confused with general ed courses and found this forum.  Lots of tips helped me for example taking english composition 1&2 at UMPI.

I still am confused what to do so I wanted to ask you guys to help me to create a degree plan.

Your Location: New York
Your Age: 23
What kind of degree do you want?: It does not matter , Air Force does not require any specific degree just a bachelor.
Current Regional Accredited Credits:
Current ACE, CLEP, or NCCRS Credits: 0
Any certifications or military experience?: No
Budget:I want to make it as cheap as possible but if I am gonna get it done faster I am willing to pay more.
Commitments:Just a part time job other than that no commitments.
Dedicated time to study: As much as possible. Studying is no problem for me , when I was in Turkey I studied 7 months straight in a small room didn't even go out once.
Timeline:I will be eligible to join the Air Forces in 3-7 months so I would love to finish as soon as possible and be done with it.
Tuition assistance/reimbursement:no

Background : I have been to college in Turkey. Studied Mining engineering, petroleum engineering and chemical engineering. Bu I only have few credits I have attached them. I am good at science and business so I can take classes according to that.

Past credits :
MATH 141( calculus 1 )            AA ,        4 credits
PHYS 101(general physics 1).   BB,         4 credits ( 4 credits bc it also covers physics lab)
ENG 101 (eng comp)               AA ,        3 credits
CHEM121 ( general chem 1).    BB,         3 credits 
CHE101(intro to chem eng).     AA,         2 credits.
CHEM 141 ( gen. chem. lab. 1) CB ,        1 credits.

                                        gpa 3.5    total credits 17
My bad my bad I didnt see there was already plans finalized and published. Still if anybody wants to help with updated UMPI rules , I will take it Smile
They heavily favor STEM degrees. As a former military officer, my perspective is that it might check the box but it won't cut it...

You have to go before a board for OTS, a check-the-box degree isn't going to wow them. Its also the smallest commissioning source for the AF. You face steep challenges if you want to board into a pilot slot too.

IF the true goal is to be a AF pilot I wouldn't take the easy short cut in doing a UMPI BLS degree.
I really appreciate your response. I would take any STEM degree in a heartbeat , but from what I read on lots of forums they don't mind what degree it is. So at that point I thought there is no reason gettin a STEM degree if I am not gonna do it or if it is not much considered by them. Also what would you do if you were in my shoes
(11-06-2024, 09:47 PM)yahyaisik Wrote: I really appreciate your response. I would take any STEM degree in a heartbeat , but from what I read on lots of forums they don't mind what degree it is. So at that point I thought there is no reason gettin a STEM degree if I am not gonna do it or if it is not much considered by them. Also what would you do if you were in my shoes

Zero idea what forums you are looking at, because that simply isn't true.  The AF is particularly picky with degree choice, the Army isn't

I would do AF ROTC and major in a STEM degree then opt for the pilot track. You are only 23, UMPI is not a good fit for you and your goals, ROTC is.

Fast and easy doesn't work here. Trust me, becoming a pilot isn't going to be easy.
I trust you and I do understand it is not going to be easy , I don't want it to be easy. I only want it to be fast, not the process in the AF but the prior, so I guess first I will talk to a recruiter and see how important is the degree for a pilot slot. If it really is I can just pick a STEM degree and finish as quick as possible.I wanted to go ROTC but idk , i guess I will se my options after talking to a recruiter. Thank you so much tho , after your response I kinda changed my mind. Much appreciated.
(11-06-2024, 11:41 PM)yahyaisik Wrote: I trust you and I do understand it is not going to be easy , I don't want it to be easy. I only want it to be fast, not the process in the AF but the prior, so I guess first I will talk to a recruiter and see how important is the degree for a pilot slot. If it really is I can just pick a STEM degree and finish as quick as possible.I wanted to go ROTC but idk , i guess I will se my options after talking to a recruiter. Thank you so much tho , after your response I kinda changed my mind. Much appreciated.
Recruiters won't help you, they will try to get you to enlist.

Start here.

Do NOT talk to a recruiter
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The path you describe is unrealistic.
There are already established programs to get you where you want to be. Becoming a commissioned officer in any branch of the service is joining an elite club. No one will make any part of it quick or easy for you.
All paths to entering the military as a commissioned officer are competitive. Seek someone who has been there and done that if you want realistic advice.
Is your hope of serving restricted to being a commissioned officer?
There are many excellent opportunities to serve as an enlisted person.
Have you considered the foreign service Many government agencies have foreign service roles. Such roles are not only with the Department of State and USAID.
Chief Petty Officer
United States Navy (Retired)
As I stated in my PM, you can ENLIST as a green card holder but you can not start the officer process until you are a US citizen.

FWIW I did Army ROTC and it wasn't as competitive as the AF but I also joined during the war surge...
I had a question like this earlier in the year out of pure curiostiy. I asked a career/education advisor down at my nearest base. Yes you can have "any" degree to become an officer. However, they are heavily in favor of STEM degree holders. I also asked her regarding a BLS and she jokingly told me that I'll likely get ghosted. Not that theres anything wrong with a BLS degree, but a BABA may sound a little better on paper to the advisors ears.

Your better off seeing if your state school has a AFROTC program or Enlist and apply for OTS/OCS. There is nothing wrong with enlisting either, as there are excellent paths to success and many jobs are easily transitioned into the civilian world.
Physical Science, AAS
 | College Southern Nevada | Graduated Class of 2024  

In Progress:
Management, BABA | University of Maine, Presque Isle [Image: logo_main.svg]

Project Management, BAS | College of Southern Nevada  [Image: convert?url=https%3a%2f%2fdxbhsrqyrr690....&type=webp]

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