02-26-2008, 08:45 PM
WOW!!!! Much better!!!!!!! Great job!!!!
Just a couple comments....
I'm still struggling here just a little bit with the logic. By not voting, we are not actually giving up our freedom of speech. The government isn't closing us down or censoring us. We are simply choosing not to exercise the right. So it might be stronger to say, "By not voting, we fail to use the privilege of freedom of speech."
That should be plural---the constituentS.
GREAT! I'd give you a high score if I was grading that essay.
Now, let's see you write another one!!! hilarious hilarious
Just a couple comments....
gufomel Wrote:Some people say that the United States government is so corrupt that voters in national elections are wasting their time. However, our government is founded on the saying, âwe the people of the United States.â It is our duty to vote. By not voting, we give up our freedom of speech, provide the United States government with additional power, and go against the founding principle of government by the people.
Freedom of speech is one of the greatest blessings we have in this country.
I'm still struggling here just a little bit with the logic. By not voting, we are not actually giving up our freedom of speech. The government isn't closing us down or censoring us. We are simply choosing not to exercise the right. So it might be stronger to say, "By not voting, we fail to use the privilege of freedom of speech."
Quote:We can voice our opinions in numerous ways, including popular methods such as forming interest groups or leading protests. However, our most important right - and one that is not provided to many people throughout the world - is the right to elect who leads our country. Not only do we get to vote, but we can have confidence that our vote is counted. As a result, those who are running for office must be attentive to the wants and needs of our nation. A protest can be ignored, but the threat of not being elected because of stances on issues is what keeps our elected officials in line.
Furthermore, by not voting, we take power away from the many - the constituent -
That should be plural---the constituentS.
Quote:and place it in the hands of the few - the governing officials. It is said that "power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.â The meaning of this statement is simple, and was key to the Founding Fathers' reason for developing a representative democracy. The fewer the people that have a say in forming government policies, the more corrupt government becomes. This is because there are no checks on the power of the governing officials. They focus solely on what can provide them with personal gain, rather than what is best for the nation as a whole.
We as citizens of the United States cannot fall into the trap of believing that our government is too corrupt for our vote to make a difference. Apathy towards voting can only make matters worse. It is our duty and right to voice our opinion on public policy by taking part in national elections. If we do not, we lose our control over the actions of government and give it even more power to make corrupt decisions.
GREAT! I'd give you a high score if I was grading that essay.
Now, let's see you write another one!!! hilarious hilarious