08-31-2009, 12:22 AM
marianne202 Wrote:Ok, so I teach online classes for a local community college. My new classes started Friday and my students have to do an icebreaker intro assignment. One of my students posted he is the "most educated person in America". He has 48 college degrees! He got the designation when he only had 38! He has everything up to several Master's. He has a law degree and who knows what else. The title came after winning a lawsuit against a local college.wow you have passed so many cleps. I am in need of 15 credits asap. im currently studying for both analyzing lit. and human growth and development. can you tell me what are some of the more easier cleps? really want to do this.
I'm feeling very inadequate! I feel like such a wimp trying to eek out 2 bachelor's and thinking about an MBA!
I've been bitten by the education bug, but I don't know if I could get bitten this much!
I just thought this would motivate some on this board to get cracking! I really didn't know this was possible. He said they haven't made him rich yet...I guess not because all the tuition would eat up any profit.
Ok fellow degree seekers, now we have no excuses to not continue on!