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My definition of conservative
Gary Wrote:I can understand your stance. Unfortunately, I don't believe he reigns right now so until then, we must rid ourselves of the conservative movement THAT believes in free market w/no gov't interference. That way, when the Messiah comes again, he will be proud of the work we accomplished. Like Roy Buchanan said, and I quote;

just a smile, just a glance
the prince of darkness
he just walked past
there's been a lot of evil
there've been a lot of sayin'
but this time I'm gonna tell it my way:

There was a town
Strange, lonely little town, they called 'The World'
a lovely, lovely little town
'Till one day a stranger appeared
And their hearts rejoiced, and the sad little town was happy again
But there were some that doubted; they disbelieved, so they mocked him
And the stranger, he went away
Now the sad little town that was sad yesterday
is a lot sadder today...

I walked in a lot of places that he never should have been
But I know that the Messiah, he will come again

Trust me, if he came back today, I'd welcome him w/open arms.
Gentlemen, let's keep our fingers crossed.

You're wrong, Gary. The "stranger" left, and that little "town" was happier than ever because the "stranger" said he would return soon. Also, they were given a mission: to tell the whole town about the stranger and his perfection so they can believe in him to perfect them. So i'm telling you, gary and clep101, because He will judge you when he returns. Why would He allow you to welcome Him? How is he in your debt? If you didn't love him before he returns, its too late. Faith is not by sight. True faith is in what you cannot see. What credit is is to you if you believe what you can see?

If you can, get ahold of a Bible and read Matthew 25:31-46. Please.

This is what really matters. Who cares about a drop in the bucket or a WWIII when God will blow up the world himself when he wants to? We need to see the big picture.
me = Cool
cr: 63
Gary Wrote:By the way clep101, I forgot to tell you, you faulted last serve. See if you can get the next one in.

I'll give you that one Gary. For now. I'll just sit here in the corner and watch.
Good post by the way, but why does someone have to be labeled a racist when the president is criticized? Just for you I'll give our President the benefit of the doubt and we'll see what happens.
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"]Excelsior College - DONE[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]AAS-[SIZE="1"]2009[/SIZE], BSLS-[SIZE="1"]2010[/SIZE] [/SIZE]

[COLOR="DarkRed"][B][SIZE="2"]Thomas Edison State College - DONE[/SIZE]
[SIZE="2"]BA in History[/SIZE]-[SIZE="1"]2011[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[SIZE="2"]Texas A&M University Central Texas[/SIZE]
Master of Arts in History - 18/36 SH

CLEPs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Spanish, Freshman Comp, English Comp w/ Essay, Social Science & Hist, Info Sys & Comp App, Intro Sociology, Prin of Mngmt, American Gov , US History I, US History II, Western Civ I, Western Civ II[/SIZE][/SIZE]
DSSTs Passed
[SIZE="1"][SIZE="1"]Civil War & Reconstruction, Rise & Fall of Soviet Union, History of Vietnam War, Intro Modern Middle East, Western Europe Since 1945, Drug and Alcohol, Here's to Your Hlth, Intro To Comp, Prin of Sup, Technical Writing, Prin of Physical Science I[/SIZE][/SIZE]

Quote: There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. "Mr. Garrison"[/SIZE]
clep101 Wrote:Amen Gary! You said it.

GOD Bless President Obama and the USSA. (United Socialist States of America) I sure am glad he has apologized to the world for America and our way of life. It was about time some one did that. Screw those conservatives and their values.

In my opinion, I think it shameful that the President of the United States, who is the head representative of this country, goes around the world apologizing for what America has done. Who was it that liberated the non-Nazi Germans, the French, and came to the aid of Britain in World War II? Who went to the aid of the South Koreans in the Korean War? What country has liberated Iraq from a dictator that filled mass graves with thousands upon thousands of innocent people? What country sends the most help to countries that have suffered from natural disasters (i.e. the tsunami and earthquake victims) over the years? And I don't think all the brave men who fought, bled, died, and had their lives changed forever in every war from the American Revolution to World War II to Operation Iraqi Freedom did so so that Americans could live in a socialist country.

Has the President said one thing about the situation with the pirates (or terrorists, in my opinion) that have taken an American hostage, as well as people from many other countries? More than one life hangs in the balance, but I guess he is too busy to offer words of comfort and encouragement to the captain's family.

Respectfully, I pray that people like you will see the Truth someday.
clep101 Wrote:Amen Gary! You said it.

GOD Bless President Obama and the USSA. (United Socialist States of America) I sure am glad he has apologized to the world for America and our way of life. It was about time some one did that. Screw those conservatives and their values.

The only things that the President should apologize for are his attempts to take away our freedoms granted us by the Constitution and for how some Americans choose to kill their unborn children.
jwilson08. Let me get this straight. This beloved stranger who possessed almost a magic like quality and made all the people happy, made them happier when he left??? Back at ya w/What I am is what I am, you what you are or what? OK, I'll let you have it your way if you want. I don't want to upset the wildlife. Moving on........quickly if I may add........veeeerrrry quickly, we come to the next item, angry Mr. cdautel I believe. I figured there may be some sort of comeback such as yours. You did not disappoint. Caffeine in excess is bad for you, don't you know that by now? If you look at what the President is saying, it in no way diminishes the sacrifices others have made before him. Straighten up your shoulders son, stand tall, be a man and accept when we have erred. We have done great deeds in the world. No one is questioning that or saying otherwise. You know what the man is saying, if you really don't know by now, you shouldn't be left out on the streets alone. One other item before we move on, you mention killing unborn children. I guess what your saying is the free market needs more targets because you sure don't want to assist in any way to help these children or their families. If you do, your labeled socialist. You would prefer, no, I mean demand these babies be born. Then, they are on their own. Can you see how this mentality seems like a badly designed game? And you all wonder why I am the way I am. Oh, and Amen to you. Clep101, you bring up a good point concerning the rascist remark. Your right, I do throw that at times, actually quite a bit. I realize many people on this website come from various parts of the country and they definitely have these views, especially when they have had very little exposure to minorities. They will say they don't, but I do not believe them. Someone brought up the point the other day about O'Bama get over slightly 50% of the populus vote and they are right. I find it hard to believe that w/this economy, an airhead for a VP and an old dude out of touch w/reality, they still got the vote they did. That is a farce. To seriously sit back and look at them in charge would truly be frightening. My strong belief and some polls proved this is that many did not vote for Barack, not because of so called "socialist" ideas or lack of experience, because of his color, name and possible terrorist ties. My own family expressed this concern. We almost had another nightmare WH. I think a positive presidency puts conservatives and Republicans in a big hole and hopefully, it opens up the eyes of many who still see color as an issue. I don't really think you see it that way. As a paratrooper, you mix w/all races and you depend on each, so I believe you don't see color as an issue. Many others are a different story. The holy rollers, well let's just say their a different book and leave it at that.
Gary Wrote:jwilson08. Let me get this straight. This beloved stranger who possessed almost a magic like quality and made all the people happy, made them happier when he left???

YES!!! We are happy with anticipation.

This discusison on religion is kind of off topic, but it is still important. If you want to open a new thread, we can.
me = Cool
cr: 63

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