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My definition of conservative
jwilson08 Wrote:Me too! But, if you think about it, aren't most of today's big liberals (big meaning powerful) above the age of forty?
No offense, all those in DC who are.

Yes, I would have to agree with you there!
Take me in to shallow water before I get too deep......It's good to see most of the remaining conservatives come around. There aren't too many in these here United States anymore, which is a good thing. Rare sightings indeed. Their going extinct like the dodo bird. Now, are you here for the marshmallow roast? Sounds like you already got too close to the fire. Make sure you all hold hands tightly, we don't want to lose anybody. Move along children, there's much to learn and we haven't much time. Homework assignments will be on Chapter 2; Liberalism, The New Wave. OK, back on the bus and go back into your little holes. Your 5 minutes of fame have expired!
Gary Wrote:Take me in to shallow water before I get too deep......It's good to see most of the remaining conservatives come around. There aren't too many in these here United States anymore, which is a good thing. Rare sightings indeed. Their going extinct like the dodo bird. Now, are you here for the marshmallow roast? Sounds like you already got too close to the fire. Make sure you all hold hands tightly, we don't want to lose anybody. Move along children, there's much to learn and we haven't much time. Homework assignments will be on Chapter 2; Liberalism, The New Wave. OK, back on the bus and go back into your little holes. Your 5 minutes of fame have expired!

Dive in, buddy, it's better to take the shock than take a lifetime.
I think there are plenty of both of us here in the US. (Although I can't fail to notice that on this web forum, you stand alone-very admirable. At least we have a tiny majority on ICForum) We conservatives are not going extinct. I think we would notice if we were. Like maybe the percentage on the 09 election for the Conservative/Republicans would have been way less - maybe 2% instead of 40something%.

It's ironic you bring up homework for us conservative "children". As i see it, liberals are assigning homework to today's children, but with a bent towards liberalism. Poor little guys, being led off the cliff while the teachers and libs watch in ecstacy. Maybe in ten to fifteen years, if they all survive, you libs will have the big majority. Congratulations then, when your own sheep vote for you.

Remember the Civil War? I don't want to debate who was right and who was wrong there, but the political parties were terribly against each other there, too. And after that and reconstruction, we had the mess with Tammany Hall and with pro and anti progressivism. All i'm trying to say is that there will always be opposing parties. "Opposition makes America go round" in a weird sort of way. This country's politics are a seesaw. Liberal, then Conservative, then back again, and will be so until the country implodes. In that case, we each will have and alternating "five minutes of fame".
me = Cool
cr: 63
I really liked that quote, cdautel, because it was by someone who doesn't live in these times. Meaning, he's unbiased. It's great when you can get that kind of quote from a long-gone mastermind and it still applies today.
me = Cool
cr: 63
It's interesting.....

If conservatives are in the minority now, they may not be in the long-run. According to studies, conservatives have a higher birth rate than liberals. Conservatives have their babies, liberals abort theirs. Here is an excerpt from a short article:

"Demographics may not be destiny, but they’re the next best thing. Since about 75-80% of children embrace the beliefs of their parents in adulthood, it’s reasonable to expect that those political and religious groups in America with the largest birth rates will benefit in the future. And since religious and party affiliation most strongly correlate to one’s political beliefs, this has implications for the liberal-conservative divide and issues such as the abortion debate."

For the rest of the article: The Birth Rates of Evangelical Christians, Conservatives, non-Christians and Liberals |

Another very interesting excerpt:

"Tomorrow's children, therefore, unlike members of the postwar baby boom generation, will be for the most part descendants of a comparatively narrow and culturally conservative segment of society. To be sure, some members of the rising generation may reject their parents' values, as often happens. But when they look for fellow secularists with whom to make common cause, they will find that most of their would-be fellow travelers were quite literally never born.

"Many will celebrate these developments. Others will view them as the death of the Enlightenment. Either way, they will find themselves living through another great cycle of history."

Read the rest of the article: - The liberal baby bust
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
Levi_1989 Wrote:It's interesting.....

If conservatives are in the minority now, they may not be in the long-run. According to studies, conservatives have a higher birth rate than liberals. Conservatives have their babies, liberals abort theirs. Here is an excerpt from a short article:

"Demographics may not be destiny, but they’re the next best thing. Since about 75-80% of children embrace the beliefs of their parents in adulthood, it’s reasonable to expect that those political and religious groups in America with the largest birth rates will benefit in the future. And since religious and party affiliation most strongly correlate to one’s political beliefs, this has implications for the liberal-conservative divide and issues such as the abortion debate."

It's funny that you mentioned this because I was thinking the same thing. Now all we have to do is hope that the conservative parents will keep their kids out of the public education systems......
Gary Wrote:Take me in to shallow water before I get too deep......It's good to see most of the remaining conservatives come around. There aren't too many in these here United States anymore, which is a good thing. Rare sightings indeed. Their going extinct like the dodo bird. Now, are you here for the marshmallow roast? Sounds like you already got too close to the fire. Make sure you all hold hands tightly, we don't want to lose anybody. Move along children, there's much to learn and we haven't much time. Homework assignments will be on Chapter 2; Liberalism, The New Wave. OK, back on the bus and go back into your little holes. Your 5 minutes of fame have expired!

Regarding the number of conservatives still around in the United States, I think it's important to remember that although 50-some-odd million people voted for Obama, another 50-some-odd million people didn't vote for him--he did not win by a landslide victory. So I think that is some proof that we conservatives are not on our way to extinction......
cdautel Wrote:Now all we have to do is hope that the conservative parents will keep their kids out of the public education systems......

I couldn't have said it any better....government schools are liberal factories. Public education in America (or anything the government tries to manage, i.e. social security) is a disaster!
-Andrew T.
Finished: 120 credits! [BSBA Thomas Edison State College] See my degree plan here.
Now Available for Amazon Kindle: How to Test Out of Your First Year of College (And More)
cdautel Wrote:It's funny that you mentioned this because I was thinking the same thing. Now all we have to do is hope that the conservative parents will keep their kids out of the public education systems......

Ditto. Amen. Everything in agreement. I don't have any statistics to back this up, but I think most homeschoolers or private schoolers or the tutored are conservative. Since I was homeschooled, I do support homeschooling.

And Levi, that was so true. "Liberals abort their babies." I wonder if any of them are scared about the future?
me = Cool
cr: 63
If in fact conservatives have a higher birth rate, I would say that is a reflection on the movement as a whole. They want to hold on to every dime, none for anyone because of the "I earned everything myself" mentality. They have the $$$$ for better care than others and they can afford to raise larger families. What is so hard to comprehend? I will take you for your word on that because the math seems to add up to me. Homeschooling, don't really believe in it except in special cases. You are missing out on mixing with different people, different cultures. Sure, you "MAY" learn a little more but you are missing out on critical exposure to other kids which is a mistake. What better way to keep the family ideals intact than by denying this critical exposure to the outside environment. Once again, no mystery. While I agree, public schools (and private) push humanities and foreign languages as reqt's, simple economic principles, using credit cards, balancing checking accounts, and knowing general financial info is not mandatory. These are the skills young people need coming out of school. Who gives a crap if you can speak French or Latin? You can read literature anytime, sure it might be fun to read but it's critical to take care of those physiological and safety needs. Then, you can purchase any book you want or better yet, go to the free library. As for the ebb and flow of politics, it is this way because the system is fixed, not because people don't want change. Your die hard conservatives do NOT want change, their grubby little hands don't know anything else. Don't think that the young generation coming up is going to follow in the households footsteps. Only in the solid conservative family. After all, greed is greed. The younger generation is getting the shaft (and it's not O'Bama's policies and debt, we need jobs) and they will move for change. Should O'Bama's presidency be a success, and NO conservative will ever admit it, I believe this generation will accept minorities on a much wider scale in all of politics. Admit it or not, many regions just don't accept them now. Don't forget, many illiterates seriously questioned whether or not O'Bama had terrorist ties. Success in the WH could breed change. This could very well change the face of politics. I can only hope what we are seeing now is the slow death of the conservative movement. It is fun to watch. hilarious

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