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Biology BS from Excelsior
Hello everyone. Long post ahead!

Basically, I'm trying to decide on how I'm going to complete my BS in biology online.
I know no brick and mortar school offers a BS completely online.
What I have found is 2 schools that have BS completion programs:
*Charter Oak State College

I’m was leaning toward COSC but now I'm 100% sure I'm going with Excelsior

Here comes the long part………….

I’m having to do this online because there is no way possible for me to make it in the traditional classroom setting (single working mom, blah blah blah, y’all know the story). My current financial situation is that I’m 30k in student loans and only have 30, maybe 32 credits (20 something from UAB, 12 from SUO, please stop laughing). Basically I spent 2 years at university goofing off and living above my means. Last year I enrolled at South University Online (allied health science). I did like it but I would have ended up taking a lot of courses that I did not need. Plus the cost at SUO is too high (350+ per credit hour).

With that being said I do have some means of attaining this without going toooo far in debt.

1. The first university I attended would not release my transcript because I owe them 3k.
I qualified for the IDA program through UnitedWay and they are giving me 4k as long as I come up with 2k ($6000 total). I will use 3k to get my transcript and use the other 3k toward tuition wherever I go next year.

2. My job does offer tuition reimbursement. 3k per semester. I was approved to complete a degree in molecular biology at UAB. The thing is I would have to sell my soul to this company and stay an additional 2 years. I do not want to do this.

3. I will be gunning for a federal job and qualify for student loan repayment anyway.

My plan was to complete as many courses I can and transfer to UAB and only have to take 7-10 classes for a degree. But the way I work this might not be possible. Also UAB may not accept the Organic chem classes I want to take (from UNE online). The only reason I wanted a degree from UAB was because of my pride. I really need to just let that go. Even if I choose not to go to UAB my plan is to obtain all of my lower level and a few upper level sciences from these colleges (all online):

Ocean County College: General Biology I & II, General Chem I & II, Physics I & II
University of New England: Organic Chem I & II
Oreagon State University: Biochemistry
BYU: Genetics
Excelsior Exams: Microbiology & Pathophysiology

Upper Level Biology Courses:
Harvard Extension School---The price is ridiculous! But it is the only school that has upper level biology courses that I could find. Medical Sciences: Harvard Extension School

UC Berkly Extension: Wow, $200 cheaper than Harvard

Regardless of where I decide to complete my degree I have to have 20 credits in these classes to qualify to sit for the ASM registered microbiologist exam American College of Microbiology - Eligibility Requirements

Quote:Applied bacteriology
Cell biology
Cell physiology
Diagnostic bacteriology
Infectious diseases
Medical microbiology
Microbial aerosols
Microbial genetics
Microbial physiology
Microbial toxins
Molecular biology
Recombinant DNA
Tissue culture
Courses with the word “microbiology” in the title (e.g., dairy microbiology, applied microbiology, diagnostic microbiology, industrial microbiology, and soil microbiology)

I have found genetics, immunology, cell biology, microbiology and molecular biology online.
Right now I’m enrolled in MSU’s molecular diagnostic certificate program, it is 6 credits.
The other 4 would be 12 credits so now I only need to find 2 more credits I can get online.
I think there are less expensive biology courses for you to take, and Charter Oak might end up being a less expensive degree to obtain. If you want some advice on making the process as inexpensive as possible, let us know. Also, are you planning on going to grad school for biology or biochemistry?
hi im new here also and i am intending on completing a biology degree from Thomas edison state college (TESC). i was at one point thinking about excelsior but changed my mind because i would like to pursue grad studies in biochem and it wont fit with the requirements i need for grad school.

If you do decide to go with excelsior for a biology degree make sure you check their degree requirements so good. this is what their degree requires in taken from their catalog:

Essential background subjects for a biology major include general chemistry, and math through college level trigonometry or computer science. THESE COURSES WILL NOT,HOWEVER, COUNT AS PART OF THE BIOLOGY MAJOR. if you intend to continue you study of biology at the grad. level, we recommend you take organic chemistry, a general course in physics and math through calculus.

Biology degree requirements include at least two lab courses, one of which must be upper level. where possible biology courses should be taken with a lab.

this is their science class requirements:

core requirements:

a. introductory biology (doesn't have to have a lab)

b. cell/molecular biology (microbiology,cell biology,immunology,bacteriology fills this requirement)

c. biodiversity( they have a class on biodiversity or botany, plant physiology,plant ecology, plant diversity meet this req.)

d.research and writing in the major(a class required for graduation)

intermediate and upper level course requirements:


b. history of science or bioethics(they have a class called Darwinism and its influence that fills this requirement biology, animal or plant( anatomy and physiology, vertebrae physiology, histology, intermediate botany fufill this)


e. development ( such as embryology. they have a course in developmental biology

then its electives in biology: such as biochemistry, animal behavior etc.

if you are on a time crunch then i would suggest you watch Ocean County College's schedule because they don't offer every class, every semester. this semester they don't have physics 2 listed.

the classes you were looking at taking through Harvard Extension are not online classes.Online Course Offerings: Harvard Extension School that is the link to the online courses they currently have.

anyways i hope this was of some kind of help. Thomas Edison State College has a BA in biology which may suit your needs.Im new so hopefully one of the older members will come along and correct or picked up anything i missed.

good luck
For medical microbiology, look at Eastern Oregon University, and University of California Berkeley extension will also have some courses from that list.

If you do go with Excelsior, for their Genetics requirement, check and see if Empire State College's course (which is 4 credit hours) has a lab component so you can use it as your upper level lab and also meet the 20 credit requirement for the exam.

Thomas Edison in particular and Charter Oak offer flexibility when it comes to biology electives, which given your intention to take the Microbiology exam, is something you should consider unless you don't mind taking several more courses beyond Excelsior's requirements.

EDIT: Berkeley extension offers Immunology for 3 credits. Add 4 for Genetics from either ESC or U Colorado Denver and the 6 from the Molecular Biology certificate the OP mentioned above and probably 4 from Microbiology and 3 from Cell Biology and it looks like the OP is in the clear even without needing Medical Microbiology.
BlackLabRat Wrote:Hello everyone. Long post ahead!

Basically, I'm trying to decide on how I'm going to complete my BS in biology online.
I know no brick and mortar school offers a BS completely online.
What I have found is 2 schools that have BS completion programs:
*Charter Oak State College

I’m was leaning toward COSC but now I'm 100% sure I'm going with Excelsior

Here comes the long part………….

I’m having to do this online because there is no way possible for me to make it in the traditional classroom setting (single working mom, blah blah blah, y’all know the story). My current financial situation is that I’m 30k in student loans and only have 30, maybe 32 credits (20 something from UAB, 12 from SUO, please stop laughing). Basically I spent 2 years at university goofing off and living above my means. Last year I enrolled at South University Online (allied health science). I did like it but I would have ended up taking a lot of courses that I did not need. Plus the cost at SUO is too high (350+ per credit hour).

With that being said I do have some means of attaining this without going toooo far in debt.

1. The first university I attended would not release my transcript because I owe them 3k.
I qualified for the IDA program through UnitedWay and they are giving me 4k as long as I come up with 2k ($6000 total). I will use 3k to get my transcript and use the other 3k toward tuition wherever I go next year.

2. My job does offer tuition reimbursement. 3k per semester. I was approved to complete a degree in molecular biology at UAB. The thing is I would have to sell my soul to this company and stay an additional 2 years. I do not want to do this.

3. I will be gunning for a federal job and qualify for student loan repayment anyway.

My plan was to complete as many courses I can and transfer to UAB and only have to take 7-10 classes for a degree. But the way I work this might not be possible. Also UAB may not accept the Organic chem classes I want to take (from UNE online). The only reason I wanted a degree from UAB was because of my pride. I really need to just let that go. Even if I choose not to go to UAB my plan is to obtain all of my lower level and a few upper level sciences from these colleges (all online):

Ocean County College: General Biology I & II, General Chem I & II, Physics I & II
University of New England: Organic Chem I & II
Oreagon State University: Biochemistry
BYU: Genetics
Excelsior Exams: Microbiology & Pathophysiology

Upper Level Biology Courses:
Harvard Extension School---The price is ridiculous! But it is the only school that has upper level biology courses that I could find. Medical Sciences: Harvard Extension School

UC Berkly Extension: Wow, $200 cheaper than Harvard

Regardless of where I decide to complete my degree I have to have 20 credits in these classes to qualify to sit for the ASM registered microbiologist exam American College of Microbiology - Eligibility Requirements

I have found genetics, immunology, cell biology, microbiology and molecular biology online.
Right now I’m enrolled in MSU’s molecular diagnostic certificate program, it is 6 credits.
The other 4 would be 12 credits so now I only need to find 2 more credits I can get online.

You look an awful lot like a premed Smile I'll be watching your plan closely, looks like you and I are taking a lot of the same courses at the same schools. I enjoyed microbiology through Ocean with Dr Brown. Quizzes and exams are open book unlimited retakes which took off the grade pressure and allowed me to focus on the labs which were (to me) super fun and exciting!! You'll do semester long cultures and then kill them all in the end with antibiotics. It rocked. Also, UNE offers biochem, that's where I was planning to take it. Any thoughts on why you are taking it OSU instead?

Welcome to the forum! You've gotten some good advice here- I'll just throw in my two cents.

Since every school will have different requirements and different credit transfer policies, it might be a good idea to decide what your ultimate goal is and which school you'd like to attend. Which degree would you like to obtain- biology, microbiology/molecular biology, etc. (or does it matter)? Are you for sure ruling out UAB in favor of an online option? How close are you to meeting the ASM course requirements?

Once you've done that, the next step will be having your prior credits evaluated so you know where you stand. You can do this right now with EC by applying and sending them your transcripts for an unofficial evaluation. I completed a B.S. in biology with them and really enjoyed the program. It leaves some room for flexibility so long as the requirements are met. Since you're interested in microbiology, you could try to work your ASM course requirements into the degree plan. For example, a molecular genetics course might fulfill the genetics requirement, or a microbial ecology course might satisfy the ecology requirement, etc. If you do decide to go with EC (or TESC, or COSC), you'll have to work closely with your advisor to figure out which courses they'll accept. Until you check with your school, I'd hold off on taking highly specialized biology classes- the last thing you want is to take a course find out it won't transfer because it duplicates previous work or isn't approved by your advisor.

After you decide on a school and have your credits evaluated, then you can choose the rest of your courses. Looks like you've done some research and have a good idea of what you want. There are tons out there to choose from, and others on the forum will help you search, too (already some great suggestions in this thread).

Good luck and keep us posted!
[SIZE="2"][COLOR="DarkBlue"]B.S., Biology, Excelsior College
If I were getting a BS in Biology, I'd choose COSC for their policy regarding the GRE exams.

Here is one way of meeting the Biology concentration requirements at COSC:

Quote:Option 2: The GRE Subject Test in Biology, evaluated at 24
credits (15 lower, 9 upper), and at least 12 additional credits
that must include two upper level laboratory courses and the
3‐credit capstone.

I don't see very much advantage to EC, as you can take their exams regardless of where you are enrolled. Also, their information literacy requirement is more annoying to satisfy than at COSC. EC does have cooler t-shirts though.
The drawback to using the GRE with COSC is that it's hard to find two separate upper level labs.
Thanks for responding everyone! Smile Long post ahead!!! I'm still at work and have been typing/saving it all morning.

cookderosa: When I first started college I was premed, had support, docs to shadow, even a part time job working with a well renowned doc at my university, until I realized that med students & residents have no life and...............I'm afraid of people! :leaving:

Any advice on making this as less expensive as possible would be great, but it is not my primary concern. I'm not feeling very positive about COSC: something about having a concentration instead of a major bothers me.

I'm finally accepted that UAB would not be possible with my current situation. I would need to win the lotto or marry a rich man so I can quit my job and go to school full time. UAB is messed up. Is it not made for someone with a life. Example: General chem is 3 classes: lecture, lab, and recitation. Yes, 3 damn classes hour+ long classes. Math is now 2 classes: lecture & lab. Who the hell has a math lab?!

My job is burning me out. I am unable to go school during the day because of my work schedule. There is no way to work around this. My supervisor had already told several people that they would have to go to school around their work schedule & no accomodations with be made (there's a story behind this but I don't want to start going down that road on this forum..EEOC :toetap: ) They've already made arrangments with me concerning my son. I was able to get him into a free preschool but I am required to go to "parenting classes" every monday.:nopity: So now I work Tues-Sunday. That is correct. 1 day off a week. I'm am transfering to a postion where overtime would be optional not mandatory. I don't mind working 6 days a week as long as I can get out in 8 hours.

I am not planning on going to grad school. I have not ruled it out but I already have my foot in the door career wise. I currently work as a microbiology lab assistant. My employer does hire & train BS biology majors to work as medical technologists.

When I first asked about tuition reimbursement, I was asked if I was going to school for medical technology....hell no. It is not possible. The program is challenging (not that I'm dumb, I could do it if I was 18 and didn't work 60hrs a week with a baby) and is FULL OF LABS and weeks of clinical rotations.
That’s when looked into obtaining a BS in molecular biology: less labs, no clinicals. I got approval from HR for that program but was presented with a contract to sign my soul over the devil for 2 yrs and I declined.

I was referred to ocean county college by because I needed to take general biology and chem., but after being up all night I now have a new plan because I do need an associate’s degree by the summer.

I contacted HR about the requirements for working as a MLT (medical lab technician). They have never hired someone with just an associates degree but I mentioned that I would have obtained MT certification through AAB route #3 American Association of Bioanalysts - MT(AAB) & would have a graduate certificate in molecular diagnostics from MSU (yes, they admit undergrads into the program with permission)

Once I am promoted to a tech at my job & finally obtain a BS degree I will test to become a registered microbiologist, obtain ASCP certification, and enroll in UMASS certificate program in molecular pathology. With all this done I can get the hell on away from this job (I’m not knocking my employer, they are the only people on earth that will provide on the job training in this field, but the pay is not on par with the education & credentials I will be getting)

Believe me, I'm not trying to take a short cut, I'm just want to hurry up and get a degree before of the loop holes in my profession are closed (which I doubt would happen anytime soon but I don’t want to take any chances). I see that I am not required to take physics or organic chem but I am going to anyway because I know I will need it if I do decide to peruse a higher degree.

I've been up all night/day devising a plan of action.
Currently these are the credits I have:
English 101-3
English 102-3
Anatomy 115 w/lab -4
Math 102-3
Philosophy 101-3
Sociology 101-3
Art 101-3
Computer Science 101-3

South University Online
Medical Terminology-3
Student Success-3
Psychology 101-3

Now, with all this my general education requirements would be met except for my math. I want to use ALEKS to go through pre-cal and trig and UEXCEL for calculus and physics. I want to CLEP biology and chemistry, and take the Excelsior college exams for the microbiology and pathophysiology. I would have met the lab requirements for the degree from the anatomy lab at UAB and the molecular diagnostics lab component at MSU. I’m going to take the organic chemistry I &II w/labs through UNE online.

This would leave me at only needing to fulfill the upper level requirements for the degree.
cookderosa Wrote:Any thoughts on why you are taking it OSU instead?

I think someone else told me about that program. I might end up taking it at UNE.

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