02-16-2025, 11:20 PM
I know this post is older but I had a question I hope to get some guidance on (messaged by advisor but hes been dishonest a lot so I want to make sure. I am on a time crunch to finish my last 4 classes to graduate for my BAST before November. I am enrolled in two classes and taking two TECEPs. One of them I found a study course for Managerial Communications, the other, Business in Society I can'f find specific material for. I have management experience and just passed Comptia Project +/ and A+, I also work as a Biomed Tech so I am somewhat familiar with the things you mentioned. My man reason for taking these is to meet the residency requirement, for military they count TECEP as residential. Study.com proctors their own TECEPS except instead of 240 a test its a monthly rate with college saver. Do those COllege Saver tecep exams on Study.com count as resesidency credit? Its the same method, proctor U examination. Previously my advisor heavily pushed these straighterline labs (1 credit classes that costed 100+250 per lab and I still had to take the 3 credit course anyway because the advisor told me there was no class that had course + lab. Basically could have taken a 12 week class with he lab paid for by the military and the course covered for the same price and instead thanks to his lie I had to take the expensive, tedious straighter line lab and a separate 12-week course. I no longer trust his advice but IM so close to finishing that I am sticking with it. Any advice would be appreciated. That got a little off topic but, do tecep on study.com count as residency like regular TECEP throught TESU?