02-13-2017, 11:54 PM
Nightmoves5 Wrote:You're very welcome! It took just a couple of days to be evaluated but over a week for it to reflect on my ACE transcript.
When you added it to your ACE account which one did you select? or did you make requests for all?
For example for reading on ACE there are three:
ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test (RPT): Advanced High/Superior (6 credits)
ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test (RPT): Advanced Low/Advanced Mid (3 credits)
ACTFL Reading Proficiency Test (RPT): Intermediate High (2 credits)
TESU: Capstone completed 
Study.com: Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++, Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)

Study.com: Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++, Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)