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3 Degrees-Is this possible?
I’m not sure if this is doable but wanted to ask opinions.

My son decided on the BA in Social Sciences but has also decided that on the way there to get the AAS Environmental, Safety & Security Tech. degree.

Here are my questions:
1. Is there any reason that he could not get an Associates in Business Administration degree also?
2. How would the credits work out from the other two degrees? Would some of the credits swap out from one degree to the other like the BASS and the AAS?

In working his way to the AAS he is filling his Free Electives with exams that would go into the Area of Study for the Bachelor of Social Sciences.

He is interested in taking some of the business CLEP/DSST exams but not really wanting to do two Bachelor degrees. Just that he has some interest in taking business exams. My thought is why not go for the Associates in Business Administration also, though I’m lost as to how to accomplish it all within the year time-frame. Which brings up question 3: If it is doable to get 3 degrees-How many credits would he have to hold back on getting for the 3rd degree? My understanding is that he CAN get the AAS and BA Social Science at the same time.

He needs a degree-any type but I think it would be wise to also have something in the business end to add to a resume.

I’ve spent hours/days searching the boards for answers to these questions. Any help is greatly appreciated.
See page 179 of the 2011-2012 TESC Catalog:

It allows for Two Associates and Two Bachelors Degrees but has some guidelines on the overlap of credits.

You should be able to complete the AAS and BA at the same time with the same credits, but the Associates in Business would require 12 additional credits in the degree area that are not used toward the AAS. Hope that helps.
My completed "non-traditional" credits include 27 credits from CLEP, 30 credits from DSST, 6 credits from ALEKS, 19 credits from FEMA courses including PDS, 3 credits from NFA courses, 10 credits from ACE Workplace Training, 3 credits from a TESC TECEP exam, and 3 credits from a TESC PLA course.
Thanks Cooperalex,

So, If I'm understanding correctly, he should go ahead and complete both the AAS and BA Social Science degree. Then do an additional 12 credits from the ASBA Management Core list:

II. Management Core 18
A. Principles of Financial Accounting 3
B. Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
C. Legal Environment for Business 3
D. Principles of Management 3
E. Principles of Marketing 3
F. Introduction to Computers/CIS 3

I'm assuming the 12 DO HAVE to come from the list above.Correct? He could already have 2 exams done beforehand, ie. Principles of Marketing and Principles of Management?

If this is the case, it's good news. Thought there would be more to it. Oh, I guess we would pay 3 different graduation fees.

Thanks again,

You may want to have him call the Registrar's office to see how they will treat the graduation requirements. I am enrolled in and pursuing an ASBA, BSBA-Operations Mgmt, and BSBA-HR/Org. Mgmt. I wanted to add that same AAS Environmental, Safety & Security Tech. Advising said to apply for graduation for the ASBA, then go ahead and earn the AAS while finishing the two BSBAs. To be sure, though, I double-checked with the Registrar since they are the ones who evaluate graduation requirements, and was told I could not pursue a different avenue of degree - in my case, the AAS Env, Safety, Security - until my primary focus - BSBAs - was complete. Once I graduate with the business degrees, they said it was fine to come back and earn the additional 12 credits to complete the AAS, but those 12 credits could not be earned until after the others were conferred.

If that same rule applies, I imagine he'll be the opposite. They're fine with him earning the AAS and BA in Social Sciences concurrently, but the Registrar will expect to see the additional 12 credits for the ASBA to have earn dates after the conferral of the AAS and BA Soc. Sci. to process the ASBA graduation.

The moral of that long story was to say, they've recently (in the past six months or so?) adjusted their handling of multiple degrees. You can still earn two Associates and two Bachelors, but they've put in additional requirements on the order and timing. It's best to call and be certain, before a graduation request is declined.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award

AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
I actually answered this question before....If I can find the thread I'll add it later.

I would do the BA Social Science and AAS ES&ST first. He can use the business law clep the AAS ES&ST area of study along with the FEMAs. He should of course also take the Intro to Computing for natural science credit. Apply for graduation for both those degrees on the same form and you pay one degree fee.

Then after his degree conferral date, wait until the first of the following month to complete Accounting I/II, Management and Marketing exams and apply for the next conferral cycle. Of course that would include a second degree fee.

BTW, yes you can graduate with a BSBA and AAS at the same time. I know, I just did it; nothing has changed in that regard. I have no idea why (or who) told mrs b she could not; may have been because she is working on a dual degree so either they are counting it as two degrees (if only in name) or they probably do not want the headache of dealing with more credit auditing. In my conversations with home office it may be they don't want the headache. I find it easier to know the procedures while having very good report with some of the individuals in the important departments; this way you avoid problems.

Edit to add: here is the post/thread with the same discussion

Also below is my AAS ES&ST degree plan. If you do a search there were other exams you could use in the area of study that could also be used in the BA SS degree. I found by using both the AOJ102 (also used to complete Social Science area of study) and LAW201 (used for BSBA) along with the FEMAs (used for the Social Science free electives), I was able to make the best use of those credits.

English Composition

ENC-101 English Composition I
ENC-102 English Composition II

SPA-101 Elementary Spanish I

Social Science
SOC-242 Juvenile Delinquency

College Mathematics
MAT-105 Applied Liberal Arts Mathem

General Educ. Elect.
SOC-210 Marriage and the Family...
SOS-110 Living in the Information

Career Track: Envir, Safety & Sec Tech (21)
AOJ-102 Intro. to Criminal Justice.
LAW-201 Business Law
EDM-227 Multi-Hazard Emer Plan Scho
EDM-152 Hazardous Material &Risk Mg
EDM-272 Radiological Emerg. Respons
EDM-232 Intro, Residential Coastal
EDM-378 Radiolog. Emerg Response Wk
EDM-172 Radiological Emergency Resp
EDM-299 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top
EDM-126 State Disaster Management..
EDM-193 Livestock in Disasters.....
EDM-199 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top
EDM-101 Emer.Prog.Mgr.Orient.To Pos
EDM-200 Disaster Basics............
EDM-399 Spec. Stud. in Selected Top
EDM-241 Mitigation for Homeowners..
EDM-192 Animals in Disaster-B Com P

Free Electives (18 SH)
MAN-432 Small Business Management..
ACC-101 Prin. of Finl Acctg........
ECO-112 Microeconomics.............
CIS-107 Computer Concepts and Appl.
BUS-161 Business Mathematics.......
ACC-102 Prin. of Mgrl Acctg........
It's possible they may be counting the degrees separately, or did not want to consider auditing that graduation form. Thanks for correcting, bricabrac! I'll call again tomorrow to follow up and see if I get a different answer on graduating with the ASBA now (it's done), then finishing the AAS & BSBAs concurrently.

If that's the case, please disregard the previous post.
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award

AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
I finished my AA in General studies then my BA in Natural science in 2010. In 2011 I was approved to work on both my AAS in E S & S and my BA in Social Science at the same time, because of the differences in the degrees I need to earn 12 new upper or lower level area credits for the AAS and 24 different Upper level credits for the BA. I was not allowed to start any of these additional credits until after my conferral date of the first BA. From what I was told if you can do it without overlapping 1st conferral and later credits you can earn 4 degrees in one enrollment year. I just don't know how much time you would have left to sleep.

Start by doing what is necessary: then do the possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible  St Francis of Assisi

Now a retired substitute Teacher in NY, & SC

AA Liberal Studies TESC '08
BA in Natural Science/Mathematics TESC Sept '10
AAS Environmental safety and Security Technology TESC  Dec '12
Lindagerr Wrote:I just don't know how much time you would have left to sleep.

Sleep is overrated! Smile
BSBA, HR / Organizational Mgmt - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
- TESC Chapter of Sigma Beta Delta International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration
- Arnold Fletcher Award

AAS, Environmental, Safety, & Security Technologies - Thomas Edison State College, December 2012
AS, Business Administration - Thomas Edison State College, March 2012
:iagree: I'm currently buzzing along on two hours. LOL I guess too wound up from the holiday prep/shop melee!!
mrs.b Wrote:It's possible they may be counting the degrees separately, or did not want to consider auditing that graduation form. Thanks for correcting, bricabrac! I'll call again tomorrow to follow up and see if I get a different answer on graduating with the ASBA now (it's done), then finishing the AAS & BSBAs concurrently.

If that's the case, please disregard the previous post.

If they say you can graduate with the ASBA at the same time as the dual concentration BSBA, then what was said prior is untrue. There is no difference if the associates is a AAS or ASBA. With a dual focus BSBA I would prefer the AAS, over the ASBA. It would be something different in comparison to yet a third undergrad business degree; that would be overkill. The ES&ST degree could get you elected to the company safety committee and/or be a cool addition to the HR function.Smile Just an opinion from someone who has experience in both roles.

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