I didn't wanna start a new thread for Biology...I already made a few. I just wanted to know if anyone thinks that REA and Peterson's are enough for Biology. I've been studying on and off for 2 months. I took 2 REA practice tests and got a 59 on both but I left out 30 questions because at the time I didn't read the chapter on evolution yet and I just wanted to see where I was up to... I scheduled for Monday morning but I don't feel ready. I will take the Peterson's Test over the weekend and see how I do. What if I don't do so well but I review all my wrong answers? Will that be okay for me to take the real exam and pass? I can't push it off for any longer because I'm going away for a month on Tuesday and then will take intro to psych which I must pass. I have to finish by mid May because I'll be taking 2 science classes in college every day from morning till night so I won't have time to study...and I graduate June 24th.
- [SIZE="2"]STG[/SIZE]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"]Intro to Sociology 51|Biology 54|Intro to Psychology 61
College Algebra A[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]124 credits: B.A Social Sciences [B]DONE in 14 months; August 2011[/COLOR][/B]
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty"- [COLOR="DarkOrchid"]Winston Churchill[/COLOR]