rickyjo Wrote:Red Rocks is being very flexible. I have already called and confirmed all the information I have given.This sounds totally nuts to me! There appear to be only 15 cr of standard courses here. You usually have to take around 40 credits of core courses for an AS degree. If they are really giving people accredited degrees with these requirements, they won't be doing so for long.
1 They are regionally accredited
2 They will take FEMA credit for ALL electives and ALL specific requirements. They will give credit for all my IT certs and AP.
3 Their A.A.S in disaster management is only 60 credits.
4. Although I will have more than 45 credits I will have to take 15 credits there to get general ed and residency requirement out of the way (although my AP is in lit so maybe I can take an elective!).
5. The only classes I would have to take are the general ed which are
Technical Writing I (3)
English Compostion I (3)
Survey of Humanities I
Career Math
General Psychology I
Introduction to Sociology I
And all those at least will transfer to a four year if I can scrounge up the money.
In addition, other schools require sequences of courses, like math101, math102, etc. I have never seen a place that lets you just take one course in each of those areas. All of the courses that you listed are first semester courses.
You can also bet that you will have trouble transferring this degree.
It sounds as though the summer help staff is working in the advisor's office.
You can take Technical Writing instead of English Comp? That is pretty strange as well.
Good Luck, and get it in writing multiple times before you believe it!
EC - BSLS Finally done!
Went from 86 to 120 credits in six weeks thanks to IC and the forum.
Currently doing MBA pre-reqs.
Now BSLS + 9 credits
Went from 86 to 120 credits in six weeks thanks to IC and the forum.
Currently doing MBA pre-reqs.
Now BSLS + 9 credits