07-24-2006, 12:03 PM
50fingersntoes Wrote:I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!
I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.
I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations 50! I'm amazed at all you are accomplishing. You are certainly getting some great training for becoming a HR person.

BS Psychology
BS Psychology