11-10-2024, 09:32 PM
umm... did allen todd just put what NotJoeBiden said through a paraphrasing tool?
(11-10-2024, 06:32 PM)NotJoeBiden Wrote: $8k may not be enough. The cheapest online engineering masters I know of are at Arkansas State and University of Arkansas for $10-$11.5k. If you do something like computer science, information technology/systems, you might get it for less. Also if you transfer in classes you can probably reduce the cost.
(11-10-2024, 09:12 PM)Allen Todd Wrote: $8k might not be sufficient. Arkansas State and the University of Arkansas provide the most affordable online engineering master's degrees I'm aware of, with prices ranging from $10 to $11.5k. You might be able to acquire it for less if you study computer science or information technology/systems. Additionally, you may possibly lower the cost if you transfer classes.