(01-27-2024, 06:53 PM)LevelUP Wrote: I like the idea of CBE since if you struggle in a class such as Calculus, you can only focus on that one class for as long as it takes to pass the course. This helps students who are trying to juggle working a full-time job and school at the same time.
Offering extra credit might be another option.
Employers can't judge the skills someone has by their grades alone. So putting too much value on grades doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Great idea. CBE for Gen Ed/core courses and grades for AOS and major-related classes. This way many students would be able to take 18-21 cr a semester and graduate in 2-3 years. But it will never happen at establishment colleges because 1/3 of your college bill goes to various administrative fees and those top bureaucrats need your hard-earned money to live large and hang out with wealthy alum donors