If you bought the exam option back in September / October 2023 then the exam option should have become available in your online campus today. It was available for me this morning and I immediately took the exam. The 50 questions took me 44 minutes and I got a passing grade of 8.6 so I'm happy with that. But I'm tempted to do a second attempt so I can improve on that. If I was a little more careful and checked my answers more thoroughly before answering I would have done better. A lot of the answer choices are similarly worded so if you aren't paying attention you can get it wrong, even if you did know the answer.
Even though I've passed the exam today, I'm aware it will be mid-February, or even March, in 2024 before I'll get my Diplomas. I should receive both the ENEB diploma and the Isabel Masters certificate because the ENEB advert specifically said you would get both. I would be very unhappy if ENEB tried to charge me extra for the Isabel Masters certificate. But I think that only applies to people who paid for the recent super-cheap Black Friday promotional deal of 97 EURO.
Even though I've passed the exam today, I'm aware it will be mid-February, or even March, in 2024 before I'll get my Diplomas. I should receive both the ENEB diploma and the Isabel Masters certificate because the ENEB advert specifically said you would get both. I would be very unhappy if ENEB tried to charge me extra for the Isabel Masters certificate. But I think that only applies to people who paid for the recent super-cheap Black Friday promotional deal of 97 EURO.