03-15-2023, 10:12 AM
"10 classes, cheap tuition, and 4 months of your time for a Texas A&M degree could boost a resume quite nicely."
"It feels like I'm gaming the system to get a degree from a public university for $1500."
That's why I initially jumped into this program chasing a second bachelor's.
I completed two classes and stopped due to needing to focus on my grad work. Now that my grad work is complete I don't know that it makes any sense to get a second bachelor now. On any job application system where they force you to fill out dates (I have encountered a couple), it seems like it would really confuse them if I held a second bachelor's earned AFTER a master's. What do y'all think?
"It feels like I'm gaming the system to get a degree from a public university for $1500."
That's why I initially jumped into this program chasing a second bachelor's.
I completed two classes and stopped due to needing to focus on my grad work. Now that my grad work is complete I don't know that it makes any sense to get a second bachelor now. On any job application system where they force you to fill out dates (I have encountered a couple), it seems like it would really confuse them if I held a second bachelor's earned AFTER a master's. What do y'all think?