03-14-2023, 09:48 AM
(03-14-2023, 09:40 AM)teejayb Wrote: 3311 was the very first one I took. I would be surprised if your advisor let you go out of order unless there was no room in one of your classes. I had one pretest and one posttest. They might have changed the class to have multiple, shorter pre and post-tests instead of the longer ones I had. The project was a large, but easy strategic leadership template. It was about 15 pages, but mostly a fill-in-the-blank. I think it took me an afternoon. The other was a video assignment about my leadership experiences. It took me maybe 30 minutes to plan what I wanted to say and film it.
I was told today that I need US History 1&2, Texas History, and then the 10 ORGL courses.
My advisor let me know that I can knock out History 1&2 through Sophia and the rest at TAMUC.
Now to see if I can destroy these 2 courses before Monday.
Texas A&M - Commerce - BAAS summer 2023
California Coast University - BSBA 2008
California Coast University - BSBA 2008