Anyone know of any early childhood education certificates or something similar that is teaching related that can be completed online in a relatively short amount of time?
I am going to do a TEFL certificate once I am finished my capstone course, but just wondering if there is anything else that is fairly simple that I can add as well.
I am going to do a TEFL certificate once I am finished my capstone course, but just wondering if there is anything else that is fairly simple that I can add as well.
TESU BALS: Awarded June 2019
TESU: LIB Capstone 3cr, Cornerstone 1cr
Aleks: 3cr, Insurance Institute: 2cr NFA: 1cr
Sophia: 2cr Straighterline: 48cr TEEX: 6cr 18cr B&M: 77cr
TESU: LIB Capstone 3cr, Cornerstone 1cr
Aleks: 3cr, Insurance Institute: 2cr NFA: 1cr
Sophia: 2cr Straighterline: 48cr TEEX: 6cr 18cr B&M: 77cr