03-28-2017, 06:21 AM
pandas4eva Wrote:The way TECEPs are set up, they are separated into "sections." You must work on one section at a time, and you cannot skip between sections. Once you have completed and submitted a section, you cannot go back to it.
The Federal Income Taxation TECEP has 5 sections:
1- 20 multiple choice
2- Four 5point computational problems
3- Three 6/8point computational problems
4- Two 10point computational/matching problems
5- Two 10point computational problems
Be prepared to work through the exam in this order!
Well damn, that's not cool. I don't think these should lock you into a set order. Still not worried about this exam anymore. I don't see me having an issue getting 60 points. The multiple choice should be relatively easy. The computational problems should all be mostly easy except for a partnership type question. I have a lot of exposure to Income tax for individuals plus I am taking the regular CC course for it right now.
Thomas Edison State University - BSBA: Accounting - September 2017
B&M: Stats, Business Law I, Microeconomics, Business Comm, Computer Concepts and Apps, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Not-for-Profit Accounting
CLEP: Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, College Comp Modular, Human Growth and Development
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalculus
Shmoop: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, Modern European History
Study.com: Principles of Finance, Advanced Accounting I, Applied Managerial Accounting, American Government, Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Globalization and International Management, English Composition II, Intro to Computing, Public Speaking, Info Systems and Comp Apps
SL: Intermediate Accounting I, Introduction to Religon, Cost Accounting, Western Civilization I/II
TECEP: Strategic Management, Federal Income Tax
B&M: Stats, Business Law I, Microeconomics, Business Comm, Computer Concepts and Apps, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Not-for-Profit Accounting
CLEP: Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, College Comp Modular, Human Growth and Development
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalculus
Shmoop: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, Modern European History
Study.com: Principles of Finance, Advanced Accounting I, Applied Managerial Accounting, American Government, Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Globalization and International Management, English Composition II, Intro to Computing, Public Speaking, Info Systems and Comp Apps
SL: Intermediate Accounting I, Introduction to Religon, Cost Accounting, Western Civilization I/II
TECEP: Strategic Management, Federal Income Tax