12-12-2007, 12:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2007, 07:43 PM by BMWGuinness.)
(Number of Credits) Passing Score
BUS-101-DE Introduction to Business (3) 46
BUS-161-DE Business Mathematics (3) 48
CIS-301-DE Management Information Systems (3) 46
FIN-301-DE Principles of Finance (3) 46
FIN-332-DE Money and Banking (3)** 48
LAW-202-DE Business Law II (3) 44
MAN-201-DE Principles of Supervision (3) 46
MAN-311-DE Organizational Behavior (3)** 48
MAN-331-DE Human Resource Management (3) 46
BUE-101-DE Personal Finance (3) 46
EDU-102-DE Foundations of Education (3) 46
AOJ-101-DE Introduction to Law Enforcement (3) 45
AOJ-102-DE Criminal Justice (3) 49
COU-262-DE Fundamentals of Counseling (3) 45
HEA-103-DE Here’s to Your Health (3) 48
ART-166-DE Art of the Western World (3) 48
ENG-201-DE Technical Writing (3) 46
PHI-286-DE Ethics in America (3) 46
REL-405-DE Introduction to World Religions (3) 48
AST-101-DE Astronomy (3) 48
COS-101-DE Introduction to Computing (3) 45
ENS-201-DE Environment and Humanity: The Race to Save the Planet (3) 46
GEO-151-DE Physical Geology (3) 46
MAT-115-DE Fundamentals of College Algebra (3) 47
NAS-131-DE Principles of Physical Science I (3) 47
STA-201-DE Principles of Statistics (3) 48
ANT-101-DE General Anthropology (3) 47
ECO-332-DE Money and Banking (3)** 48
GOG-120-DE Human/Cultural Geography (3) 48
HIS-222-DE Western Europe since 1945 (3) 45
HIS-252-DE The Civil War and Reconstruction (3) 47
HIS-309-DE An Introduction to the Modern Middle East (3) 47
HIS-351-DE A History of the Vietnam War (3) 44
HIS-386-DE Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (3) 45
PSY-211-DE Lifespan Developmental Psychology (3) 46
PSY-361-DE Organizational Behavior (3)** 48
SOS-305-DE Drug and Alcohol Abuse (3) 49
The following DANTES examination is not administered at Thomas Edison State College. However, Thomas Edison State College will accept it for credit if it has been taken elsewhere.
COM-209-DE Principles of Public Speaking (3) 47
ACC-101-DE Principles of Financial Accounting (3) 47BUS-101-DE Introduction to Business (3) 46
BUS-161-DE Business Mathematics (3) 48
CIS-301-DE Management Information Systems (3) 46
FIN-301-DE Principles of Finance (3) 46
FIN-332-DE Money and Banking (3)** 48
LAW-202-DE Business Law II (3) 44
MAN-201-DE Principles of Supervision (3) 46
MAN-311-DE Organizational Behavior (3)** 48
MAN-331-DE Human Resource Management (3) 46
BUE-101-DE Personal Finance (3) 46
EDU-102-DE Foundations of Education (3) 46
AOJ-101-DE Introduction to Law Enforcement (3) 45
AOJ-102-DE Criminal Justice (3) 49
COU-262-DE Fundamentals of Counseling (3) 45
HEA-103-DE Here’s to Your Health (3) 48
ART-166-DE Art of the Western World (3) 48
ENG-201-DE Technical Writing (3) 46
PHI-286-DE Ethics in America (3) 46
REL-405-DE Introduction to World Religions (3) 48
AST-101-DE Astronomy (3) 48
COS-101-DE Introduction to Computing (3) 45
ENS-201-DE Environment and Humanity: The Race to Save the Planet (3) 46
GEO-151-DE Physical Geology (3) 46
MAT-115-DE Fundamentals of College Algebra (3) 47
NAS-131-DE Principles of Physical Science I (3) 47
STA-201-DE Principles of Statistics (3) 48
ANT-101-DE General Anthropology (3) 47
ECO-332-DE Money and Banking (3)** 48
GOG-120-DE Human/Cultural Geography (3) 48
HIS-222-DE Western Europe since 1945 (3) 45
HIS-252-DE The Civil War and Reconstruction (3) 47
HIS-309-DE An Introduction to the Modern Middle East (3) 47
HIS-351-DE A History of the Vietnam War (3) 44
HIS-386-DE Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union (3) 45
PSY-211-DE Lifespan Developmental Psychology (3) 46
PSY-361-DE Organizational Behavior (3)** 48
SOS-305-DE Drug and Alcohol Abuse (3) 49
The following DANTES examination is not administered at Thomas Edison State College. However, Thomas Edison State College will accept it for credit if it has been taken elsewhere.
COM-209-DE Principles of Public Speaking (3) 47
[SIZE=2]** This examination may be classified either as social sciences or business, depending on the student’s degree program.[/SIZE]