09-06-2016, 07:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2016, 08:09 AM by Nightmoves5.)
cookderosa Wrote:Congratulations!!
THIS little gem is worth knowing about, thank you. "Be sure to have ACE 'pull' the score to your transcript, LTI will charge $70 to send it but ACE gets and adds it for free."
I have no foreign language ability, but I do keep track of this kind of thing for homeschoolers. I wanted to ask you about the costs. In my notes I had the written as $70 and the oral as $139. Can you break it down for me what the test costs were plus what you paid for proctoring and who you paid? Also, since they didn't duplicate, is that to mean that written and oral are automatically coming in higher than the CLEP credit or am I misunderstanding that? Also, if I could be a pain and ask one more thing, what does it look like on your transcript??
Hi Cookderosa,
Thanks for the praise, but honor to whom honor is due...it was actually Videogamesrock who hinted at having ACE request the results, thus saving $70.
The Oral Proficiency Interview is either by phone (OPI=$139) or by computer (OPIc=$70), the latter being billed at $105 by LTI if one chooses the optional online proctor option, which automatically includes proctoring by ProctorU. LTI pays the $35 proctoring fees directly to ProctorU, very smooth and hassle-free for the testing candidate. The OPIc can also be taken at designated testing centers like Sylvan, and their proctoring fees would then apply. There is a list of testing centers for the OPIc on LTI's website, but they are few and far between.
I don't have them on my TESU transcript yet, but wrote TESU before taking them to make sure and was informed they have different course codes for CLEP and OPI/WPT, hence they wouldn't duplicate:
German OPI/WPT: (GRM-327, GRM-328, GRM-401, GRM-499)
German CLEP: (GRM-101, GRM-102, GRM-201, GRM-202)
One last thing, LTI also offers the Reading Proficiency Test for $30 with an online proctor option, but I didn't take that so don't know if it would duplicate as the language CLEP is a reading/listening test and the OPI/WPT speaking and writing tests respectively.
Glad I could be of help