08-20-2014, 07:24 PM
cookderosa Wrote:This is true, but you're outside of an articulation. So, if you complete an AA/AS articulation, your university will accept the exam at the score. You're applying your credits independent of that articulation, meaning that they'll be evaluated individually. It's too late now, but if you'd have taken your exams and earned the AA/AS it would be a non-issue. If you are not opposed to the idea, and you're not going to let go of this, my suggestion is to go to the CC tomorrow and meet with an advisor. See if they'll provide you a WRITTEN copy of the articulation agreement and find out if it's too late to get in on that agreement. Don't say squat about the CLEP exam being your motive. It will be rolled in and life will be puppies and rainbows.
Very true and I have already cast that die in respect to the community college. I have enough credits including my CLEP tests to have an AS which will transfer. I do have to take a test on computer stuff like email, spreadsheets, and word processing. I would figure that those tests will be fairly easy since I have done more with those items in the last two years of full time study that I am fairly competent in those subjects.
I am not working under an articulation agreement as I have already passed that stage but in the 4 year university catalog it clearly states that an AS in general studies will satisfy all of the lower level requirements. An AAS requires a certificate in general studies but I am not sure if the certificate transfers on its own. Either way It is a mere formality at this point. I am taking the history class as an added backup just in case something goes wrong. I can not wait any longer as my job will REQUIRE a BS by December or I will not get the promotion. The class will be dynamic over three weekends so I will be done fairly early so that I can roll that History class in in my AS doesn't pan out.
And yes I will be pursuing this until I get a valid answer. It is a matter of principle at this point. "We have high standards" is BS as this is not an Ivy League School. Upholding a higher standard for History only doesn't make sense.