08-26-2013, 06:31 PM
If you search, "transfer credits" on the tesc.edu website, you will find the following:
[QUOTE]Awarding Credit for College Courses Taught
Thomas Edison State College recognizes that teaching a course at the college or university level requires the mastery of the material being taught. Therefore, if the courses have been taught at the university or college level within five years of the studentâs enrollment in the College, a credit award up to the equivalent of the same or similar course offered by Thomas Edison State College will be made./QUOTE]
You should appeal the decision. It states that you will get credit up to the equivalent of the same course from TESC. While I didn't read the whole page, they don't make a distinction regarding whether the course taught at a 2-year college (LL credit), or a 4-year college (possibly UL credit) would determine how TESC would award credit. To say that you will get LL credit for a class of the same description as one offered UL by TESC is arbitrary when it isn't stated in the catalog.
Good luck.
[QUOTE]Awarding Credit for College Courses Taught
Thomas Edison State College recognizes that teaching a course at the college or university level requires the mastery of the material being taught. Therefore, if the courses have been taught at the university or college level within five years of the studentâs enrollment in the College, a credit award up to the equivalent of the same or similar course offered by Thomas Edison State College will be made./QUOTE]
You should appeal the decision. It states that you will get credit up to the equivalent of the same course from TESC. While I didn't read the whole page, they don't make a distinction regarding whether the course taught at a 2-year college (LL credit), or a 4-year college (possibly UL credit) would determine how TESC would award credit. To say that you will get LL credit for a class of the same description as one offered UL by TESC is arbitrary when it isn't stated in the catalog.
Good luck.
TESU BSBA - GM, September 2015
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker
"Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway." -- Earl Nightingale, radio personality and motivational speaker