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Intro + Degree advice, looking at TESU for multiple degrees, BSBA + BSAST
Have you started working on the degree yet? It seems like you're starting from scratch still. I have homework for you. Read the Beginner's Guide post #27/28, download the My Degree Plan! excel spreadsheet. This will give you the recommended courses for your BSBA, the AOS is the only change you need to make. Attach the updated spreadsheet here, make sure to color-code.

These SL/ courses are the cheap/easy/fast courses, if you are wanting to substitute them, you can, my other recommendations are using Saylor, MS/CLEP, and the for professional business requirements, free electives and general education electives and if any can be placed anywhere else, including the AOS.

Patten has now become a better university, their programs now part of JFK University FlexCourse offerings. The cost has doubled to $8500/year. My recommendation is to go for the WGU MBA instead, it's an option you listed in your spreadsheet, they have gained ACBSP accreditation and will be cheaper than Walden! Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

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[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Also the following you have listed as needing to be UL, this is false they do not. LL equivalencies will work and are easier to locate.  

FIN-301    Principles of Finance    
MAN-301    Principles of Management    
MAR-301    Principles of Marketing    
BUS-311    Business in Society    
COM-300    Business Communication

Where you do need UL credits for this degree is in the AOS (you need 15 UL in the AOS, as the last 3 UL come from the Capstone).  You are showing 7 courses but you only need 6 (although those 6 need to be allocated very specifically), so out of those 6 - five need to be UL

Here are some suggestions (note has a few others that might work as well in the Electives AOS area) based on the degree requirements

Required AOS Subjects

   Small Business Management OR Introduction to Entrepreneurship Business 121: Introduction to Entrepreneurship (TESU MAN-230)

   Small Business Finance (preferred)OR Managerial Finance (which is not the same as Managerial Accounting)
       ? Don't have a recommendation for this one (needs to be UL based on my other recommendations)

   Small Business Marketing (preferred) OR Marketing Research Marketing 301: Marketing Research (TESU MAR-411)

AOS Electives Business 309: Digital Marketing & Advertising (TESU MAR-441)
Study.con Business 315: Logistics & Supply Chain Management (TESU OPM-420) Accounting 301: Applied Managerial Accounting (TESU ACC-301)

It looks like this AOS for the BSBA in Entrepreneurship may now be able to be earned through alternative and other test-out options (assuming someone has a solution for the Small Business Finance OR Managerial Finance)
Amberton - MSHRB

(08-02-2018, 01:02 PM)allvia Wrote:
(08-02-2018, 12:53 PM)coloradocale Wrote: So I've updated the sheet again here

I nixed the IB track and decided to go for the BSBA in Entrepreneurship and will do Pattens MBA in Strategic Management after that. Looks like getting the BSBA can be done for under $4500 and the MBA can be done for ~$2000. Would apply for the scholarships at Walden and if that doesn't pan out go for the MBA at Patten.

I have been saving up $ and am ready to get the ball rolling for real now but wanted some other eyes to help me make sure I have everything right/won't be taking classes I don't need/won't be wasting money on unnecessary courses before I start spending what I've saved up. If those with experience would be willing to go through with a fine tooth comb that would be massively appreciated!!

Thank you!

Also, would the free credits from this be applicable?

I haven't been keeping up with the changes since my last post and came across it. Would be great to get some more free credits!!

Patten University is no more - they just closed (July 2018):

Ahhh well that stinks. Like I said, haven't been keeping up with recent changes lol.

I added the My Degree Plan! to the google doc, feel free to make edits or comments
You can remove the Bachelor's sheet, I tell people to use it as a reference template, and just keep the My Degree Plan! sheet for tracking purposes. I see you are starting from scratch, it's good you have a certificate as a resume builder, you can get an AA and ASBA FREE en route to your BSBA.

1) Answer the following questions, so I can better gauge which of the 3 you're looking at - cheap, easy, or fast.
A) Are you close to a testing site for CLEP? How far and how long would it take you to get there and back?
B) Do you have time to study and test at a site or would you rather do everything online for a little extra in price?
C) What is your price range you're looking at for the degree and time you want to set to complete the degree?
D) Are you leaning towards cheap, easy, fast or a combo of them all? Rank them in priority.

2) What exactly are you looking for help with or advice on? How busy are you?
How much time do you have to spend on studying? Do you have family/kids that you have to attend to?

I would do everything with MS/CLEP,, and Saylor courses first, once all the courses and credits are ready to be transferred, do transfer them to TESU for an evaluation. If you can splurge on getting things Faster/Easier/Cheap, then go the SL/ route.

If you live close to a CLEP test center, then that's the way I would recommend you do the bulk of your credits.
For the GM Concentration or any AOS, UL credits, finish them off with to get the affiliation discounts.
For Fast/Easy/Cheap, my spreadsheet is going to recommend using StraighterLine for the bulk and for the AOS.
For Cheap/Easy/Fast, you may want to change the StraighterLine courses to once again, use the CLEP/MS option. Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
Cool, the bachelor sheet is nixed. Good to know on the AA and ASBA! Definitely would prefer to do the Entrepreneurship or International Business programs unless General Management is the only one that you can fully test out of. The GM on the sheet is just whats left over from importing from the downloaded spreadsheet and needs to be modified for the entrepreneurship or IB track.

1) In order: Fast, Cheap, Easy
A) There are two CLEP centers within 6 miles, both are about 15-20 minutes away.
B) It would be nice to do everything online but I don't mind going onsite. I work remotely and have a pretty flexible schedule (as long as I get what I need to get done done I'm good. Usually spend 10-15 hrs/week working + have a weekly in-office meeting that takes 3 hours including travel on Thursday afternoons)
C) $4-6k, lower would be better and faster is better. Not restricted timewise but would prefer to get everything done in 6-8 months or less for the BSBA and another 6 months for the MBA or MS. Whats the fastest you can expect for the BSBA?
D) Fast, Cheap, Easy. Fast and cheap would be nice.

2) Some hand holding would be nice for the clerical side of the degree (dealing with TESU for the course plan, what you need to do with the school as this isn't a traditional path to a degree, etc.) I'm good with self-studying and all that, just need help with specific courses to take that will be valid for the DIY catalog to get the degrees. I work part-time for a non-profit and do contract 3D work so I usually have at least 10-15 hours of work per week plus random projects I take on as needed to pay bills. I can allocate 20-40 hours a week to studying. No family/kids, just a low maintenance puppy and 1.5-hour airport runs 2x a week for a friend that works out of state during the week.

Thank you very much for helping me out!
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