07-08-2011, 08:32 AM
Well, I took the test yesterday and got a...........68! Anybody reading that is planning on taking the test all I can say is study ic. I think it helped alot and in regards to my test petersons was WAY harder. When I took the petersons I didnt do well and alot of the correct answers I got were honestly guesses. Basically I had no clue on the petersons but on the clep I felt like almost every answer I gave I felt that it was educated and only flat out guessed on a few of the 60. Also I have read that the test contains alot of mean median type and comples numbers wasn't really included enough to study alot on. I disagree on my test. I don't think I had vary many mean, median questions at all but once it was done and I clicked finish I felt confident I did well enough to pass.