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I did it...didn't think so, but I did
I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!

I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.

I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!Cool
Mom of 5 kids([COLOR="magenta"]11, 10, 7, 5, and 3) and when My kids grow up I want to be a Human Resource Manager!

12 classes left for my bachelors!! Smile
3 UL classes :confused:
9 LL classes Rolleyes

Have taken:

Here's To Your Health 54
Drug And Alcohol Abuse 51
Ethics In America 53
Introduction To Computing 48
50fingersntoes Wrote:I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!

I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.

I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!Cool

[SIZE="4"]"Oh ye of little faith"........CONGRATS and GOOD LUCK!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
50fingersntoes Wrote:I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!

I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.

I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!Cool
big congrats on your passes. Big Grin you have a lot on your plate with 5 kids. i've also walked in those vbs and pta officer (treasurer) shoes. where are you finding the time?! do you know how to magically make more minutes in the day?
you already are a human resource director! at what age do kids grow up? can you let me know, because i'm still waiting! hilarious
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
50fingersntoes Wrote:I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!

I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.

I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!Cool

Well, now I understand how you came up with your user name! FIVE kids, and PTA President, and working on your degree?!! You deserve an honorary degree just for all of that!

Congratulations on passing the Ethics test - I am taking that one next Monday and have been a little worried about it myself. After reading your post, I feel a little better!

WELL DONE "50" - keep up the good work!!!

BS - General Business - June 2007
Excelsior College
50fingersntoes Wrote:I had a really awful morning the day of my Ethics in America Test and thought 1/2 way through the exam I made a big mistake by taking it and should have really walked out the door instead of taking the exam. I got my result back yesterday(after only 2 wks) and I received a 53!!

I also received my Drug and Alcohol exam back last week and received a 51.

I am so flipping excited. Have taken a week off of studying for Vacation Bible school, getting ready for the kids to go back to school and PTA stuff(President here:confused: ) and now am running forward on Intro to Computers and Information Systems and Computer Applications hopefully taking them next week. WISH ME LUCK!! That will be 2 more classes down and ONLY 11 more exams to go!!!!!!!!!!!Cool

Congratulations 50! I'm amazed at all you are accomplishing. You are certainly getting some great training for becoming a HR person. Big Grin

BS Psychology
yutzyj Wrote:at what age do kids grow up? can you let me know, because i'm still waiting! hilarious

I'm still waiting to find this out too! Good thing they're such fun to have around. (At least most of the time!) hilarious

BS Psychology
WOW, I thought I had my hands full with two kids(ages 6 y/o, and 18mon)!

CONGRATS on the scores!

Intro to Sociology
US History I
Civil War & Reconstruction
American Dream
Social Science & History

121 Credits total <--- All Done! ! ! ! !

AAT Technical Studies Excelsior College
(Grad Date 6/16)
BS in Liberal Studies Excelsior College
(September 2006)

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