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Humanties: Peterson's vs IC
Criticalthinker Wrote:[SIZE="7"]74!!!![/SIZE]

I guess I did overstudy, but on the other hand, I am registered to take American Lit and English Lit next Tuesday, for a whopping 12 hours total. Might as well use all the literature I studied for the Humanities.

Thanks for all the good advice, and support. I don't know why this one freaked me out beforehand. It was the first one I ever considered a couple of years ago; I chose it because I'm a music teacher in a Fine Arts department at a private school., as well as a voracious reader..I think not passing this one would have given me a lot of self doubt, so I was afraid to try.:o

I am so happy!!!!Big Grin

Thanks again for all the links and encouragement.

WELL DONE! You did so well! Give yourself a big pat on the back!
BS - General Business - June 2007
Excelsior College
Criticalthinker Wrote:[SIZE="7"]74!!!![/SIZE]


ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Criticalthinker Wrote:[SIZE="7"]74!!!![/SIZE]

I guess I did overstudy, but on the other hand, I am registered to take American Lit and English Lit next Tuesday, for a whopping 12 hours total. Might as well use all the literature I studied for the Humanities.
Great Score and Great Job! i believe you can never overstudy. i'd rather have the feeling of knowing most of the answers than the opposite feeling where you know none.Big Grin
Taking the Road Less Traveled
The Journey of A Thousand Miles Starts with The First CLEP

BS-Psychology - Excelsior College
Enrolled in the School of Business, BS in Accounting
After MIS I'll be halfway there!
72 CLEP Credits, 21 DSST Credits, 25 ECE Credits (Including Inf Lit), 6 TESC Credits, 2 FEMA Credits = 126 Total
Withholding 6 Credits for Accounting = 120 for Psychology
12 credits completed toward my accounting degree
Thanks all!

I'm wondering if I'm not so smart after all...I was reading through my distribution requriements last night for IU's General Studies program, and I find it hard to understand and no luck with getting an advisor on the phone or via email yet.

I now have 104 credits, with yesterday's Humanities pass. Giving me 18 credits in English.

Here 's what IU says: (This is not actually the IU program that I work with, but SB's website was the most clearly stated)

It sounds as though, I can get no more than 21 credits in a subject area, but can have up to 30 in a professional school.

This would mean that my plan to take American Lit and English Lit for another hopefully easy 12 is out.
I'm wondering if I could still take American Lit, but just 3 of the UL credits would apply, and the other 3 not count. It's the same price, and at least I would have the 3 UL. (I just need 4) That would bring my total to 21 in English.

Then instead of English Lit, I could take either American History (both) and American Governement for 9

Then my scheduled
Fundamentals of Counseling (3)
Here's to Your Health (3 UL)
and add
Drug/Alcohol Abuse (3 UL)

I'm a bit frustrated at the moment, because my old advisor said I just needed to finish my electives and it didn't matter what the courses were, at least that was what he seemed to be saying.


I'm feeling kind of down about this, because I know I can pass AL and EL easily now that I see what those types of questions were like on Humanities.

Need smarter people than me to decipher the web explanation.

80 Traditional credits
45 testing

Freshmen Comp- 71
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit -72
Human Growth & Development -73
Ed Psych -67

CLEP Humanties- 7/11/06 -74
CLEP American Lit- 7/18/06 - 65
CLEP US History I I 7/18/06- 63
CLEP American Government 8/8-57
CLEP US History II 8/8 -68

2 DSSTs- 8/11
Here's to your Health 69
Fundamentals of Counseling 64

Indiana University School of Continuing Studies
125 credits 10/20/06 -
Criticalthinker Wrote:I now have 104 credits, with yesterday's Humanities pass. Giving me 18 credits in English.

Hi CT,

The sentence above makes it seem like you might be including your newly earned 6 credits in CLEP Humanities as English credits. Is that the case, or am I reading it wrong? CLEP Humanities is not considered an "English" subject.

Just checking,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Okay, so I figured this out with the help an advisor from another one of IU's campuses. I do have to cap English at 21, but I will still take the AL CLEP and use it to finish all my UL credits, as IU counts it as a 300 level course, and they will drop three LL English credits.

So now I will be taking the following CLEPS
American Literature 6 hours
Am Government 3 hours
United States History- I - 3 hours
United States History II -3 hours

Fundamentals of Counseling - 3
Here's to Your Health -3

I'm glad I sorted it out. The disbursements are kind of tricky. Also only 51 non Arts and Sciences credits allowed, and only 30 of those in one school, such as Education or Music, or HYPER etc... I'm okay there.

Thanks for letting me think aloud here. Smile

80 Traditional credits
45 testing

Freshmen Comp- 71
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit -72
Human Growth & Development -73
Ed Psych -67

CLEP Humanties- 7/11/06 -74
CLEP American Lit- 7/18/06 - 65
CLEP US History I I 7/18/06- 63
CLEP American Government 8/8-57
CLEP US History II 8/8 -68

2 DSSTs- 8/11
Here's to your Health 69
Fundamentals of Counseling 64

Indiana University School of Continuing Studies
125 credits 10/20/06 -
Thanks for looking at it.
At IU,
3 of Humanities is Fine Arts
3 is considered English...good point, I wish it were considered History or something else entirely, like "Humanities"!

80 Traditional credits
45 testing

Freshmen Comp- 71
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit -72
Human Growth & Development -73
Ed Psych -67

CLEP Humanties- 7/11/06 -74
CLEP American Lit- 7/18/06 - 65
CLEP US History I I 7/18/06- 63
CLEP American Government 8/8-57
CLEP US History II 8/8 -68

2 DSSTs- 8/11
Here's to your Health 69
Fundamentals of Counseling 64

Indiana University School of Continuing Studies
125 credits 10/20/06 -

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