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Humanties: Peterson's vs IC
I am gearing up for my 5th CLEP on Tuesday, July 11; Humanities.

I am doing well with the IC materials, but found the first Peterson's practice test, I took quite difficult. I only got 48% on it.

I have searched the board and gotten a lot of helpful hints about preparing for this test in particular, but I was wondering if anyone had taken the Peterson's practice tests and found them harder or relevant to the real Humanities CLEP? :confused:

It seems that everyone has that same experience with Peterson's. They're always alot harder than the actual test. If you do a quick search on Peterson's you'll see a bunch of people's feedback on it.
[COLOR="green"]Social Sciences and History
College Math
English Composition (no essay) [/COLOR]

[COLOR="green"]World Religions
Civil War and Reconstruction
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Management Information Systems [/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"]Organizational Behavior
Ethics: Theory and Practice
World Conflicts since 1900
World Population [/COLOR][/SIZE]

All done! 42 credits by exam
[SIZE="4"]Every Petersons is harder than the actual exam. If you can score 50 or higher on a Petersons YOU WILL PASS the real thing - GOOD LUCK!!![/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Thanks, all.

The link posted to other Humanities questions/insights was very helpful.

I am going for a combo of IC, REA, and Petersons. These 6 hours are crucial to my plan.

I took the Peterson's again this morning and got a 57. Hooray!

I am obsessed with this exam, no doubt. Rolleyes

The situation reminds me a bit of how I am with Lord of the Rings, films/books. I love the plots, but cannot remember the names of places and characters to save my life most of the time. I am a visual learner, practially photographic, which helps with any little visual familiarity on the CLEPS, yet memorizing the philosophers and Shakespearian plays, characters is tough.

I keep going over the flash cards daily. Today when I took the Petersons I felt I did more of my eliminate first, look for the obvious, 20th century, etc..

Anyway, that's my update. Encouragement welcome. July 11, 10:30 am

Criticalthinker Wrote:Thanks, all.

The link posted to other Humanities questions/insights was very helpful.

I am going for a combo of IC, REA, and Petersons. These 6 hours are crucial to my plan.

I took the Peterson's again this morning and got a 57. Hooray!

I am obsessed with this exam, no doubt. Rolleyes

The situation reminds me a bit of how I am with Lord of the Rings, films/books. I love the plots, but cannot remember the names of places and characters to save my life most of the time. I am a visual learner, practially photographic, which helps with any little visual familiarity on the CLEPS, yet memorizing the philosophers and Shakespearian plays, characters is tough.

I keep going over the flash cards daily. Today when I took the Petersons I felt I did more of my eliminate first, look for the obvious, 20th century, etc..

Anyway, that's my update. Encouragement welcome. July 11, 10:30 am


[SIZE="3"]IMO the Comex book is somewhat better than the REA book. [/SIZE]
ShotoJuku +
A.S., B.S., M.S., MBA
IC Forums Senior Super Moderator  
Passing It On & Paying It Forward To All Just Starting or Completing Their Educational Journey!

Shoto's Passing Your Exam Advice Here --->
God Bless The USA :patriot:
Humanities was my first CLEP exam. I used InstantCert for the majority of my studying time and then I switched over to a Barron's study guide which made me feel like a complete idiot.

What I found out was that InstantCert was the best study guide for me for this test. The questions were right on and I ended up scoring a 62. In my experience, I would rely on InstantCert first and then another study guide for back up. If you know most of the flash card answers, you will do great.


[SIZE="2"]Kim Clark
Student at TESC
BA in Art

Hoping to obtain most of my credits from testing:[/SIZE]

Humanities 4/06
A & I Lit 5/06
Intro to Sociology 5/06
American Government 6/06
Psychology of Women 7/06 (TESC)


Human Growth & Dev., 9/06
Intro to Psych 9/06
Ed. Psych. 9/06[/SIZE][/SIZE]
Thanks for the encouragement. It is good to know. I was really happy to score a 57 yesterday on my second attempt at a Peterson's. I plan to do all flash cards everyday, as well as go over the practice exams I've already taken, plus, the info in the REA book I have. Maybe overkill, maybe not for me at this point...

I see that you're headed for Ed psych and Human G & D in August. The studying for those blends so well together and is very helpful. I think you'll do great on those by using the IC. That's all I used, plus an ed pscyh book I had from a yard sale...hilarious Knowing facets of theories with names, plus general common sense gained through mothering Wink seemed enough.

Criticalthinker Wrote:Thanks for the encouragement. It is good to know. I was really happy to score a 57 yesterday on my second attempt at a Peterson's. I plan to do all flash cards everyday, as well as go over the practice exams I've already taken, plus, the info in the REA book I have. Maybe overkill, maybe not for me at this point.

Hi CT,

CLEP Humanities is a very WIDE exam, but not very DEEP at all. Fearing this exam, I studied Instantcert and COMEX intensively for two full weeks prior to taking the exam. I also used a combination of the following web sites to simply gain exposure to as many names and works as I could, so that I would recognize things on the exam: (follow links on left) (search for key names, works, etc.)

I basically memorized as many authors, poets, painters, composers, sculptors, playwrights, and architects as I could. I also paired them up with their major works, which era they lived in, and what their style was. That's all you need! You only have to RECOGNIZE items on the exam. As I said, it's WIDE but not DEEP.

In the end, I totally overstudied. But I was able to breeze through the exam, and scored a 73. If you have a healthy respect for the breadth of this exam, and study appropriately, you will NOT find it difficult to pass.

In my opinion, the Peterson mock exams were much harder than the actual Humanities exam.

Best of luck to you,
My name is Rob
Exams/Courses Passed (43):
- Courses (4): 1 Excelsior, 1 CSU-Pueblo, 2 Penn Foster.
- Exams (39): 24 DSST, 15 CLEP.

Total Credits: 142 (12 not used).
[SIZE=1]GPA: 4.0
Thank you so much for posting these links. I have been using Wikipedia a bit, but this is a goldmine!

I feel very supported on this board, just wanted to say that.

I have this comical vision of me taking this CLEP next Tuesday, (11th) and am imagining all of you gathered around behind me in some sort of metaphyscial way, (as I sit there earnestly working through the test), and I'm being cheered on, and even helped with a few of the answers...

I'm kind of artsy....can you tell? :p

Thanks so much. I'm on it!

I am so there with you. I have actually spent time using hypnosis to try and relax before a test - hey whatever it takes! You can count me in. On Tuesday the 11th I will send Humanities thoughts your way!

ps - thanks for the advice about the Psych tests. My goal was to try and take them in an order that they might relate to each other. From what I understand from other posts it seems the logical order should be Intro to Psych, Human Growth and Dev. and then Intro to Ed. Psych. At least that is the order I will take them it... Hopefully!

Good luck studying!

[SIZE="2"]Kim Clark
Student at TESC
BA in Art

Hoping to obtain most of my credits from testing:[/SIZE]

Humanities 4/06
A & I Lit 5/06
Intro to Sociology 5/06
American Government 6/06
Psychology of Women 7/06 (TESC)


Human Growth & Dev., 9/06
Intro to Psych 9/06
Ed. Psych. 9/06[/SIZE][/SIZE]

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