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BA in 16-18 weeks?
Greetings everyone,

Just came across this forum, very informative.

Extremely unique situation I've found myself in and reaching out to the forum for some serious help. I just received word that I have until the end of August 2017(preferably sooner) to obtain Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university to stay with my current state employer.

My first thought was this will never ever happen but after searching the internet It appears people have done this.

I have about 10 college credits to transfer, I wish i was joking but unfortunately I'm not.

Im intelligent, definitely not afraid of hard work, cost isn't an issue and will do anything to make this happen. The type of degree to me right now is not that important as getting this done within my given time frame. i a huge pipe dreamer thinking this is possible? IF NOT where do i begin and how do I make this happen?? I haven't been in school in over 20 years this is all new to me again.

I would sincerely appreciate any direction anyone can give me.


Can you push it off to end of September? August won't be possible at TESU.
TESU BA CS and Math (graduated December 2016)
MrCooperTHE1 Wrote:Greetings everyone,

Just came across this forum, very informative.

Extremely unique situation I've found myself in and reaching out to the forum for some serious help. I just received word that I have until the end of August 2017(preferably sooner) to obtain Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university to stay with my current state employer.

My first thought was this will never ever happen but after searching the internet It appears people have done this.

I have about 10 college credits to transfer, I wish i was joking but unfortunately I'm not.

Im intelligent, definitely not afraid of hard work, cost isn't an issue and will do anything to make this happen. The type of degree to me right now is not that important as getting this done within my given time frame. i a huge pipe dreamer thinking this is possible? IF NOT where do i begin and how do I make this happen?? I haven't been in school in over 20 years this is all new to me again.

I would sincerely appreciate any direction anyone can give me.



I think that this is simply not possible with only 10 credits.
You need another 107 credits plus another 3 credits from a capstone course for a bachelor degree.

The application process can take a few weeks, and you are looking at 12 weeks to complete the capstone course. You won't be able to meet the September deadline for the capstone at TESU anyway because the entry window for starting the capstone in time is nearly closed.

The earliest you could graduate from TESU would be December and the latest you could enroll in the capstone is around July time to begin it in August. That means you would ideally need to complete 107 credits by June to apply to TESU and get setup.
This is assuming that you could achieve 107 credits in a 2 months, which personally I think is just not realistic at all. You could line up a lot of CLEP tests, but you will still need to study for them and you will also need to take some actual courses and wait for grading of papers and projects etc..

I think the max you are looking at is about 30 credits in a month and that is really pushing it and usually isn't sustainable.

I know this is not what you want to hear, but you are realistically looking at graduating in earlier 2018.
TESU: Capstone completed Big Grin Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++,  Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams  (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)
That's like 4 classes a week because you really only have 10 weeks to apply for graduation for September at TESU. And that's not taking into account the 25 days they take to review your transcripts. I don't know anyone who has done that while working full-time. The most I got through was 42 credits in 12 weeks and that was working at it a lot and in courses where I was already familiar with the material. Granted, I used study. com because of the scholarship and could probably have done twice as much on straighterline I didn't have the option of testing out with CLEPs in my situation

The BALS is typically the fastest because the electives are so versatile, except I wouldn't recommend it in this case because it requires a three month long capstone, which you would probably need to have started in April (although they do say they'll take someone starting in theMay term if I remember correctly.) The BSBA only requires a capstone exam but the courses are more specific so you would need to plan every course very carefully and stick to a schedule

You could try CLEPs, DSSTs and TECEPS but you would probably have to take off work, get those scheduled ahead of time and handle a lot of logistics

Will your job be ok with an associate's degree if you are working on a bachelor's? Because I think you could maybe get through 60 credits in that amount of time. 110 credits will be tough. Probably not what your want to hear but I just don't think it's realistic.
MTS             Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS     Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
Timetable for courses at TESU

September, October or November = March Graduation
December, January or February = June Graduation
March, April or May = September Graduation
June, July or August = December Graduation

September graduation is simply not possible. You need to be enrolled in the May capstone course that starts in a few weeks. Enrollment in May capstone is nearly over.
TESU: Capstone completed Big Grin Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++,  Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams  (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)
rlw74 Wrote:The BSBA only requires a capstone exam but the courses are more specific so you would need to plan every course very carefully and stick to a schedule

Yes, the BSBA could be doable and could be an option. I wonder how long some of the more difficult courses would take to complete. From reading around here for a long time, i'm guessing around 1-2 weeks for some of the business courses.

Probably still too difficult to hit the graduation time and that is also hoping that TESU doesn't put a capstone in place in July which they might do.
TESU: Capstone completed Big Grin Classroom Management, Differentiated Instruction (6)
Patten: Academic Strategies, Child Growth and Development, Reading, Writing, and Research, Social Psych, Lifespan Development, American Government (18)
Shmoop: Drugs in Lit, Holocaust Lit, Poetry, Lit in the Media, Modernist Lit, Shakespeare's Plays, Western Lit, Women's Lit, British Lit, Euro History (30)
SL: Cultural Anthropology, English Comp I, English Comp II, Biology, Intro Comm, Environmental Science, Philosophy, C++,  Religion (27)
TEEX: Cyber Security for Business Professionals, Cyber Security for Everyone, Cyber Security for IT Professionals (6)
Sophia: Art History, Psychology, Sociology, Visual Comm, Dev Teams  (13)
ALEKS: Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, Statistics, Trigonometry (15)
NFA: Fire Service Supervision, Community Safety Educators (2)
Kaplan: Documenting Experiences (3)
ACTFL: Reading Proficiency Test (6)
CPCU: Ethics (2)
And even the BSBA requires you register for that strategic management exam by May. From what I hear, it's not an easy exam and will require some study.
MTS             Nations University - September 2018
BA.LS.SS     Thomas Edison State University -September 2017
socsci Wrote:Timetable for courses at TESU

September, October or November = March Graduation
December, January or February = June Graduation
March, April or May = September Graduation
June, July or August = December Graduation

September graduation is simply not possible. You need to be enrolled in the May capstone course that starts in a few weeks. Enrollment in May capstone is nearly over.

I agree with this, however; if you do have the $$$ and can study a weeks worth of time for the TECEP Capstone, you might be able to do it!

Graduation Date Deadline to Submit Application, Fees and Official Transcripts
March January 1st
June April 1st
September July 1st <<<=== September Graduation, You need to apply for graduation by end of June.
December October 1st

Even if you don't have enough credits to graduate, you can quickly finish it after July 1, even up to August 1 (I've read).
I only have a few questions, what are your ~~10 credits? How much time do you have on your hands daily?
Got family/kids that you have to attend to daily? If you can, reply asap, there "is" a way, just not sure if you're up to it! Offer
In Progress: UMPI BAS & MAOL | TESU BA Biology & Computer Science
Graduate Certificate: ASU Global Management & Entrepreneurship

Completed: TESU ASNSM Biology, BSBA (ACBSP Accredited 2017)
Universidad Isabel I: ENEB MBA, Big Data & BI, Digital Marketing & E-Commerce
Certs: 6Sigma/Lean/Scrum, ITIL | Cisco/CompTIA/MTA | Coursera/Edx/Udacity

The Basic Approach | Plans | DegreeForum Community Supported Wiki
~Note~ Read/Review forum posts & Wiki Links to Sample Degree Plans
Degree Planning Advice | New To DegreeForum? How This Area Works

[Image: e7P9EJ4.jpeg]
bjcheung77 Wrote:I agree with this, however; if you do have the $$$ and can study a weeks worth of time for the TECEP Capstone, you might be able to do it!

Graduation Date Deadline to Submit Application, Fees and Official Transcripts
March January 1st
June April 1st
September July 1st <<<=== September Graduation, You need to apply for graduation by end of June.
December October 1st

Even if you don't have enough credits to graduate, you can quickly finish it after July 1, even up to August 1 (I've read).
I only have a few questions, what are your ~~10 credits? How much time do you have on your hands daily?
Got family/kids that you have to attend to daily? If you can, reply asap, there "is" a way, just not sure if you're up to it!

You actually have my interest piqued, can I get in on this method you have?
TESC BSBA Gen. management
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra Done!, College Algebra Done!, Intro to stats Done!
TEEX: Cyber Security for Everyone Done!, Cyber Security for IT professionals Done! Cyber Security for Business Professionals Done!
Straighter Line:
The Institues: Ethics In Progress
TECEP:Strategic Management In progress
MrCooperTHE1 Wrote:Greetings everyone,

Just came across this forum, very informative.

Extremely unique situation I've found myself in and reaching out to the forum for some serious help. I just received word that I have until the end of August 2017(preferably sooner) to obtain Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university to stay with my current state employer.

My first thought was this will never ever happen but after searching the internet It appears people have done this.

I have about 10 college credits to transfer, I wish i was joking but unfortunately I'm not.

Im intelligent, definitely not afraid of hard work, cost isn't an issue and will do anything to make this happen. The type of degree to me right now is not that important as getting this done within my given time frame. i a huge pipe dreamer thinking this is possible? IF NOT where do i begin and how do I make this happen?? I haven't been in school in over 20 years this is all new to me again.

I would sincerely appreciate any direction anyone can give me.



Personally I don't get why so many people are saying not this cant be done. Yes it can be!! It will not be easy at all and you wont have any free time from now until you are done but so worth it. Go for the Business degree so you can sign up and take the Strategic Management TECEP. This will knock off a 3month liberal arts capstone course. If your state employment is anything like mine then that August timeframe isn't set in stone. If you tell them and prove to them you are working on it I am sure they will extend the deadline for you until December (which is the more likely timeframe). Best thing you can do is map out your plan and start on it TODAY. If you have any math skills at all I recommend taking all the ALEKS you can its anywhere from 0 - 12 credits for $20. You can't beat that and you can finish 1 or more a day depending on how good you are. If you do CLEP some stuff I would recommend only targeting the 6 credit ones. You can take all the ALEKS math courses then do College Mathematics CLEP and you will have 18 credits right there. If you main thing is Speed I would go with Straighterline for all the courses you need and then finish up what you can't do at SL at

This is my "Cheapest" GM Degree and maybe the quickest depending on how easy and quickly you can do the 6 credit CLEP exams. But this spreadsheet will give you an idea of what you are looking at needing to do. My time frame would have been much shorter to complete if I had the money to take everything and not need a month here and there in between.

.xlsx   Less than 1 minute ago">Cheapest GM.xlsx (Size: 13.42 KB / Downloads: 32)
Thomas Edison State University - BSBA: Accounting - September 2017

B&M: Stats, Business Law I, Microeconomics, Business Comm, Computer Concepts and Apps, Financial Accounting, Intermediate Accounting II, Managerial Accounting, Not-for-Profit Accounting
CLEP: Sociology, Psychology, Marketing, College Comp Modular, Human Growth and Development
Institutes: Ethics 312
Aleks: Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, PreCalculus
Shmoop: U.S. History I, U.S. History II, Modern European History Principles of Finance, Advanced Accounting I, Applied Managerial Accounting, American Government, Macroeconomics, Principles of Management, Globalization and International Management, English Composition II, Intro to Computing, Public Speaking, Info Systems and Comp Apps
SL: Intermediate Accounting I, Introduction to Religon, Cost Accounting, Western Civilization I/II
TECEP: Strategic Management, Federal Income Tax

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